Spawning conditions - Spawning release

(Total, Fractional, Multiple)

Species Primary Data Secondary Data Reference
Anguilla anguilla Total spawner, only once Total Rinchard, 1996
Anguilla anguilla It seems that female eel undergoing artificial maturation function as batch spawners Multiple Pedersen, 2003
Anguilla anguilla Each female probably spawns intermittently with several males each time Multiple Vollestad and Jonsson, 1986
Anguilla anguilla Most eels ovulated more than once over periods up to several days Multiple Palstra et al, 2005
Alosa alosa Batch spawner Multiple Acolas et al, 2004
Alosa alosa Three to seven batches over a few days; eggs are free Multiple Acolas et al, 2004
Alosa alosa 5 to 7 batches during a spawning season Multiple Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Alosa alosa Several batches Multiple Spillmann, 1961
Alosa alosa Only one batch by night, 5 to 7 batches during a spawning season Multiple Cassou-Leins et al, 2000
Alosa alosa Eggs are spawned in three to seven batches over a few days Multiple Acolas et al, 2004
Alosa alosa 5 to 7 spawnings per spawning season No category Boisneau et al, 1990
Alosa fallax Free, several batches Multiple Spillmann, 1961
Alosa fallax Several batches during a spawning season Multiple Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Alosa fallax Only one batch by night, 5 to 7 batches during a spawning season Multiple Cassou-Leins et al, 2000
Alosa fallax Batch spawning reproductive behavior Multiple Lopez et al, 2007
Alosa fallax Evidence that twaite shad are serial spawners releasing discrete batches of eggs over an extended spawning season includes macroscopic and histologic indications of recent spawning concurrent with mature vitellogenic oocytes Multiple Pina et al, 2003
Alosa sapidissima Broadcast singly No category Internet, 2005
Alosa sapidissima Batch spawner: an individual female spawns repeatedly during each spawning season [Spawning frequency (every four fays) is preliminary] American shad probably exhibit indeterminate fecundity, contradicting previous studies Multiple Olney et al, 2001
Alosa sapidissima Batch spawner Multiple Fishbase, 2006
Alosa sapidissima American shad in the St. Johns river are batch spawners Multiple Olney and McBride, 2003
Alosa sapidissima Histological evidence that an individual spawn in batches over a period of days or weeks Multiple Burdick and Hightower, 2005
Aphanius iberus Multiple spawning throughout the reproductive cycle Multiple Vargas and De Sostoa, 1997
Aphanius iberus Batches of 10 to 30 eggs Multiple Vargas and De Sostoa, 1997
Aphanius iberus More than four spawning per year No category Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
Aphanius iberus Multiple spawner Multiple Fernandez-Delgado et al, 1988
Valencia hispanica Multiple spawner, releasing a number of batch eggs throughout the reproductive period Multiple Caiola et al, 2001
Valencia hispanica Eggs are deposited solely No category Billard, 1997
Valencia hispanica Eggs are deposited one by one No category Keith, 2001
Barbatula barbatula Two periods of spawning : May and late-summer-early autumn Multiple Skryabin, 1993
Barbatula barbatula One period of spawning No category Saat et al, 2003
Barbatula barbatula Multiple spawner Multiple Perrin, 2001
Barbatula barbatula Spawn only once a year for several years in low productivity streams, but exhibits multiple spawning within a season in high productivity environments Multiple Fishbase, 2006
Barbatula barbatula Interval of 2.5-3 months between first and second spawning event No category Skryabin, 1993
Barbatula barbatula About 4 [England], 2-3 [Estonia] and 1 [Finland] No category Saat et al, 2003
Barbatula barbatula Female lay their egg one by one No category Sauvonsaari, 1971
Barbatula barbatula Multiple spawning have been suggested Multiple Marconato and Rasotto, 1989
Cobitis taenia Batch or fractional spawner, enables the fish to extend the reproductive period Multiple Bohlen, 1999
Cobitis taenia Only a single batch of eggs during a few days Multiple Vaino and Saat, 2003
Cobitis taenia Multiple spawner: 100-500 eggs Multiple Perrin, 2001
Cobitis taenia 14-18 spawnings containing 62-431 eggs per night, time interval between ranged from 2 to 21 days or a single batch of eggs during a few days Multiple Bohlen, 1999
Cobitis taenia Several batches Multiple Coad, 2006
Cobitis taenia Despite the eggs not being abundant, spawning can occur until 4-5 times each day and 100-400 eggs are emitted on the whole. Mating is repeated more than once in the reporductive period Multiple Lodi and Malacarne, 1990
Cobitis taenia If this species is a fractional spawner the actual number of eggs produced by each female may be greater Fractional Marconato and Rasotto, 1989
Cobitis paludica Multiple spawner or batch spawner: two batches per year per females Multiple Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002
Cobitis paludica Multiple spawning have been suggested also for C. paludicola Multiple Marconato and Rasotto, 1989
Blicca bjoerkna Multiple spawner Multiple Rinchard and Kestemont, 1996
Blicca bjoerkna Multiple, fractional spawner Multiple Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Blicca bjoerkna Multiple spawner: Batches of 8000-15000 eggs Multiple Kestemont, 2001
Blicca bjoerkna Three to four batches of eggs in few days Multiple Rinchard, 1996
Blicca bjoerkna The batch-spawing white bream also spawned twice within several weeks Multiple Molls, 1999
Blicca bjoerkna Multiple spawning Multiple Environment agency, ???
Blicca bjoerkna Intermittent spawning Fractional Luksiene et al, 2000
Blicca bjoerkna Multiple spawner, but in several years and different water bodies it spawn only once per breeding season Multiple Fredrich et al, 2003
Blicca bjoerkna Multiple spawning Multiple Aho and Holopainen, 2000
Blicca bjoerkna Fractional Fractional Cattanéo et al, 2001
Blicca bjoerkna Multiple spawners Multiple Lefler et al, 2006
Blicca bjoerkna Multiple spawners Multiple Lefler et al, 2008
Abramis brama Once Total Rinchard, 1996
Abramis brama Once or repeated spawning Total Backiel and Zawiska, 1968
Abramis brama Several batches of eggs are released and fertilized by different males Multiple Poncin et al, 1996
Abramis brama At least two batches of eggs per female Multiple Sokolova, 1990
Abramis brama In most water bodies, female spawn only once a year, but there are popualtions in which females spawn twice or even three times Total Backiel and Zawiska, 1968
Abramis brama In most cases, spawns once per breeding season, but it is known to spawn twice or three times especially in southern water bodies Total Fredrich et al, 2003
Abramis brama Clement weather and increased temperature stimulated further spawning of this fractionally spawning species Fractional Hladik and Kubecka, 2003
Abramis brama Only some females in thermally polluted waters show a tendency for batch spawning and due to en ecological stress in dam reservoirs in the first years after flooding . The proportion of females with batch spawning increases in A. brama populations southwards in the range in comparison with centrally located waters. Northern A. brama spawn in one portion only Multiple Brylinska and Boron, 2004
Abramis brama Bream is a single spawner in the sense the in one individual all eggs mature synchronously […] In lake Peipsi, breams lay their eggs usully in 2-3 groups during the spawning period Total Noges and Järvet, 2005
Abramis brama Adopt multiple spawning strategies, with up to three batches of eggs produced by individual fish Multiple Nunn et al, 2007
Alburnoides bipunctatus Multiple spawning Multiple Rinchard, 1996
Alburnoides bipunctatus Multiple spawner : eggs are released in several times Multiple Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Alburnoides bipunctatus Multiple spawning over a period of 15 weeks Multiple Coad, 2005
Alburnoides bipunctatus Multiple spawner Multiple Persat, 2001
Alburnoides bipunctatus Released of batches of 100-200 eggs each Multiple Persat, 2001
Alburnoides bipunctatus Fractional Fractional Cattanéo et al, 2001
Alburnoides bipunctatus Spirlin is reported to belong to batch spawners […] The absence of the gap, and no increase in mean diameter of the oocytes supports the idea that spirlin has indeterminate fecundity Multiple Polacik and Kovac, 2006
Alburnus alburnus Multiple spawner, several spawning during the breeding season Multiple Rinchard and Kestemont, 1996
Alburnus alburnus Multiple : 3 spawns during the spawning season Multiple Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Alburnus alburnus From 2-4 batches per year, up to 6 Multiple Carrell and Olivier, 2001
Alburnus alburnus Several spawing during the reproduction season Multiple Rinchard, 1996
Alburnus alburnus Fractionnal spawning, seperated by 1-2 weeks, from 2-4 up to 6 batches a year Multiple Carrell and Olivier, 2001
Alburnus alburnus Multiple spawning Multiple Environment agency, ???
Alburnus alburnus It spawns 2 or 3 times laying a total of 3000 up to 10500 eggs Total Winnicki and Korzelecka, 1997
Alburnus alburnus Typical multiple spawners Multiple Fredrich et al, 2003
Alburnus alburnus Produced two or three batches Multiple Mackay and Mann, 1969
Alburnus alburnus The bleak behaved like multiple spawners in the tributary of Rimov Reservoir. After the main runs, several weaker spawning runs occurred, each with decreasing strength Multiple Hladik and Kubecka, 2003
Alburnus alburnus Multiple spawning Multiple Aho and Holopainen, 2000
Alburnus alburnus Fractional Fractional Cattanéo et al, 2001
Alburnus alburnus Fractional spawning, 3 spawnings Fractional Agence de l'eau,
Alburnus alburnus Adopt multiple spawning strategies, with up to three batches of eggs produced by individual fish Multiple Nunn et al, 2007
Aristichthys nobilis Bighead carp often have two or three spawning periods per year [Extended spawing period or multiple spawning] Multiple Schrank, 1999
Aspius aspius Spawning is non-intermittent Fractional Shikhshabekov, 1979
Aspius aspius Eggs are released synchronously No category Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Aspius aspius Spawn once a year Total Fredrich et al, 2003
Aspius aspius Asp has only one spawning No category Hladik and Kubecka, 2003
Barbus barbus Females spawn only once within the season in the River Ourthen even under exceptionally high temperatures Total Baras, 1995
Barbus barbus Female reseased 50 egg and up to 280 releases during 10-11 hours No category Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Barbus barbus 3-8000 eggs per female No category Spillmann, 1961
Barbus barbus Single spawning per year Total Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
Barbus barbus Batch of 50 eggs each [Spawning each 8 days in captivity] Multiple Poncin, 1993
Barbus barbus One bacth Multiple Cattanéo et al, 2001
Barbus barbus Multiple spawners Multiple Lefler et al, 2006
Barbus barbus Multiple spawners Multiple Lefler et al, 2008
Carassius auratus 3-4 spawnings in reared conditions No category Spillmann, 1961
Carassius auratus Spawn several times under natural conditions Multiple Aida, 1988
Carassius auratus Female are able to spawn more than once each spawning season Multiple Internet, 2005
Carassius auratus Multiple spawner: up to 4 a year Multiple Persat, 2001
Carassius auratus In favourable conditions fish may spawn several times in a season Multiple Horvath et al, 1992
Carassius auratus Deposited on substrates in single from; can be very dense in certain areas because of repeated deposition Total Internet, 2005
Carassius auratus In rearing conditions, up to 3-4 spawnings per season No category Billard, 1997
Carassius auratus Batch spawner Multiple Scholfield, 2005
Carassius auratus In the region where temperatures of water maintains above an higher value during several months, several spawning could be observed in the same breeders Multiple Kestemont and Mélard, 1994
Carassius auratus Ovulate oneto several times over a protracted spring-summer spanwing season Multiple Kobayashi et al, 2002
Carassius auratus Duirng on spawning event they spawn about 2 thousand eggs. One gram of spawn contains 1.2 thousand eggs No category Sczerbowski and Szczerbowski, 1996
Carassius carassius Multiple Multiple Rinchard, 1996
Carassius carassius Three periods of spawnings have been commoly observed from late May to mid-July, with female producing similar number of eggs Multiple Holopainen, 1997
Carassius carassius Multiple (fractional) spawner Multiple Laurila et al, 1987
Carassius carassius Intermittent spawners, eggs are deposited in temporally discrete batches Multiple Holopainen, 1997
Carassius carassius Fractionnal spawner : 4 to 5 spawning during a period of 10-15 days [Polycycle] No category Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Carassius carassius Up to three spawning periods between late May and early August Multiple Laurila et al, 1987
Carassius carassius Batch spawner Multiple Scholfield, 2005
Carassius carassius Crucian carp is one of the batch-spawning cyrpinids fround in nothern Europe Multiple Aho and Holopainen, 2000
Carassius carassius Spawn in 3-5 batches during each summer Multiple Sczerbowski and Szczerbowski, 1996
Carassius carassius The eggs are laid in 2-3 batches […] This species is a fractional spawner: the females release only part of their eggs at each spawning Multiple Laurila and Holopainen, 1990
Chondrostoma nasus Eggs are released in small quantities No category Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Chondrostoma nasus The spawning act is repeated several times until all eggs are released Multiple Kamler and Keckeis, 2000
Chondrostoma nasus One batch Multiple Cattanéo et al, 2001
Chondrostoma nasus Single spawner Total Lefler et al, 2006
Chondrostoma nasus Spawning act is short. Repeated spawnings on the spawning ground were not observed No category Prawochenski, 1964
Chondrostoma nasus Single spawner Total Lefler et al, 2008
Chondrostoma toxostoma Single spawning per year Total Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
Ctenopharyngodon idella Multiple spawning Multiple Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Ctenopharyngodon idella One clear seasonal peak per year Total Fishbase, 2006
Ctenopharyngodon idella Either single spawning per year or two or four spawnings per year Total Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
Ctenopharyngodon idella Multiple spawning in a year has been reported, but probably rarely occurs Multiple Cudmore and Mandrak, 2004
Ctenopharyngodon idella Intermittent spawner in the Amur basin. When the absolute fecundity of 90 females was depicted the curve was clearly two-peaked for 82 females (91%) and had one perka for only eigth females (9%); the latter females should be classified as fish which lay all their eggs on a single occassion. The size of the first batch of eggs in females in which the sizes of yolk ooctyes had a two-peaked curve ranged from 55 to 91.5% and was on average 67% of absolute fecundity Multiple Gorbach, 1972
Ctenopharyngodon idella Presents the only evidence for multiple-spawning by individual grass carp in one year Multiple Shireman and Smith, 1983
Cyprinus carpio Able to spawn more than once during the breeding season Multiple Internet, 2005
Cyprinus carpio Eggs are released in two or three times over a period of 10-14 days No category Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Cyprinus carpio Sometimes several batches Multiple Lafaille and Crivelli, 2001
Cyprinus carpio Deposited in clusters, repeated deposition Fractional Internet, 2005
Cyprinus carpio Single spawning per year Total Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
Cyprinus carpio Multiple spawning Multiple Environment agency, ???
Cyprinus carpio Carp may spawn repeatedly during the same year if environmental conditions are favourable. Multiple maturation was confirmed by histological analysis Multiple Dubost et al, 1997
Cyprinus carpio As long as conditions are met, and there is appropriate habitat, common carp will spawn repeatedly. Thus, common carp in tropical fresh waters are perennial spawners, and females annually release four to five discrete batches of eggs. Multiple Smith and Walker, 2004
Cyprinus carpio Carp are fractional spawners with indeterminate breeding season fecundity. Depending on local thermo and photo conditions, each female may spawn one to five batches of eggs per year. In India, carp spawn once. In southern France, Bengladesh, and west Bengal they may spawn twice. In tropical climates, carp are perennial spawners and spawn 4-5 times per year Multiple Smith, 2004
Gobio gobio Frationnal and multiple spawner Multiple Chemillier, 1995
Gobio gobio Frationnal and multiple spawner Multiple Rossechi and Kestemont, 2001
Gobio gobio Batch spawner [Spawns once a year in low productivity streams, but exhibits multiple spawinng within a season in high productivity environments] Multiple Fishbase, 2006
Gobio gobio By batches Multiple Spillmann, 1961
Gobio gobio Ova were scattered over the bed of the rivulet singly, in two and three and occassionaly in clumps of 4 together No category Kennedy and Fitzmaurice, 1972
Gobio gobio 1000 to 5000 eggs are released each time, and 8-15 days between each spawning and four spawning duraing the season No category Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Gobio gobio Multiple spawner Multiple Rinchard, 1996
Gobio gobio Up to four batches Multiple Kestemont, 1987
Gobio gobio Released by small batches Multiple Billard, 1997
Gobio gobio Either single spawning per year of two to four spawnings per year Total Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
Gobio gobio Typical multiple spawners Multiple Fredrich et al, 2003
Gobio gobio Most females lay two or more batches of eggs each season Multiple Mann, 1980
Gobio gobio Spawned repeatedly in four terms No category Penaz and Prokes, 1978
Gobio gobio Fractional Fractional Cattanéo et al, 2001
Gobio gobio Adopt multiple spawning strategies, with up to three batches of eggs produced by individual fish Multiple Nunn et al, 2007
Gobio gobio Ponte multiple Multiple Beelen et al, 1998/1999
Gobio gobio Pluralité de pontes d'une même femelle au cours d'une même saison No category Brunet and Hoestlandt, 1972
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix The average egg deposition was 3 hours, several clutches Multiple Verigin et al, 1999
Leucaspius delineatus Several spawnings occur over a few weeks Multiple Coad, 2005
Leucaspius delineatus Multiple spawner Multiple Rinchard, 1996
Leucaspius delineatus Fractional asynchronous Fractional Cassou and Le Louarn, 1991
Leucaspius delineatus Laid in strings. 50-350 eggs No category Coad, 2005
Leucaspius delineatus Fractionnal spawner : 3 spawns or five generations of ovocytes released by batch of 20-30 Multiple Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Leucaspius delineatus Spawing is asynhcronous and fractional: the spawning consists of ribbon of 8-10 cm Fractional Le Louarn, 2001
Leucaspius delineatus Female lay one or several ribbons of eggs Multiple Cassou and Le Louarn, 1991
Leucaspius delineatus Female release a strip of up to 80 eggs No category Gozlan et al, 2003
Leucaspius delineatus Batch spawner Multiple Gozlan et al, 2003b
Leucaspius delineatus Typical multiple spawners Multiple Fredrich et al, 2003
Leucaspius delineatus Egg are laid in batches, so spawners spawn every few or every several days. Also observed that each female laid 3-5 batches of eggs Multiple Bonislawska et al, 1999
Leucaspius delineatus Fractional spawning with 3 to 5 generations of oocytes Fractional Agence de l'eau,
Leucaspius delineatus Batch spawning cyprinid Multiple Pinder et al, 2005
Leuciscus cephalus Unique/multiple Multiple Rinchard, 1996
Leuciscus cephalus Fractional spawner Fractional Calta, 2000
Leuciscus cephalus 4 batches per spawning season Multiple Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Leuciscus cephalus Either single spawning per year or two to four spawnings per year Total Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
Leuciscus cephalus Multiple spawning Multiple Environment agency, ???
Leuciscus cephalus Total or multiple spawner ? Multiple Fredrich et al, 2003
Leuciscus cephalus One batch Multiple Cattanéo et al, 2001
Leuciscus cephalus In natural conditions chub females release maximally two batches of eggs. Russian authors suggest that the number of released batches depends on the time of beginning of breeding season. Females spawning in May can repeat spawning in August, while those maturing in June release only one batch of eggs. Multiple Zelepien, 1997
Leuciscus cephalus Three cohors of L. cephalus hatched between July 3 and 25 No category Rheinberger et al, 1987
Leuciscus cephalus Adopt multiple spawning strategies, with up to three batches of eggs produced by individual fish Multiple Nunn et al, 2007
Leuciscus idus Multiple Multiple Rinchard, 1996
Leuciscus idus Once a year Total Kestemont, 2001
Leuciscus idus Spawn once a year Total Fredrich et al, 2003
Leuciscus idus Single spawner Total Lefler et al, 2006
Leuciscus idus Single spawner Total Lefler et al, 2008
Leuciscus leuciscus Unique No category Rinchard, 1996
Leuciscus leuciscus Spawning is synchronous: each female deposited 15000-25000 eggs No category Persat, 2001
Leuciscus leuciscus Single spawning per year Total Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
Leuciscus leuciscus Single spawning Total Environment agency, ???
Leuciscus leuciscus Spawn once a year Total Fredrich et al, 2003
Leuciscus leuciscus Release one batch of egg Multiple Mann and Mills, 1985
Leuciscus leuciscus Shed a single batch of eggs in a well-defined spawning period Multiple Nunn et al, 2007
Mylopharyngodon piceus One clear seasonal peak per year Total Fishbase, 2006
Mylopharyngodon piceus In a single batch Multiple Crosier et al, 2005
Phoxinus phoxinus Multiple Multiple Runchard, 1996
Phoxinus phoxinus Multiple and fractional spawning Multiple Kestemont, 2001
Phoxinus phoxinus One clear seasonal peak per year Total Fishbase, 2006
Phoxinus phoxinus Multiple Multiple Papadopol and Weinberger, 1975
Phoxinus phoxinus 4 to 5 batches, each batch contains about 200-1000 ovocytes Multiple Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Phoxinus phoxinus A potential to spawn 7 to 9 batches of eggs Multiple Mills, 1987
Phoxinus phoxinus 4-5 successive releases of eggs No category Papadopol and Weinberger, 1975
Phoxinus phoxinus Two to four spawnings per year No category Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
Phoxinus phoxinus Multiple spawning Multiple Environment agency, ???
Phoxinus phoxinus Spawning is protracted, intermittent Fractional Soin et al, 1982
Phoxinus phoxinus The condition of spent fish in Windermere, particulalryl of females captured in late May, indicates that all the eggs are shed at one time, and thus long-drawn-out breeding time is not due to the same individuals shedding their eggs and sperm during a protracted period but to a population composed of fish, which mature at different times from may to July No category Frost, 1943
Phoxinus phoxinus Analysis of the changes in egg numbers in the gonads over this period indicates that each female ripens and sheds several batches of eggs over the spawning season. Spawn at least four successive batches of eggs Multiple Mills and Eloranta, 1985
Phoxinus phoxinus In southern habitat, this species spawns multiple clutches over a prolonged spawning season (April to August) but few individuals survive their first breeding season. Production of multiple clutches persist as far north as Konnevesi in central Finland, and the life-span remains relatively short. A greatly prolonged life-span has been reported from a minnow population in eastern forest Lapland Multiple Mills, 1988
Phoxinus phoxinus Frationnal spawning with an interal of 12-15 days between two spawnings No category Kestemont and Mélard, 1994
Phoxinus phoxinus Adopt multiple spawning strategies, with up to three batches of eggs produced by individual fish Multiple Nunn et al, 2007
Pimephales promelas Fractional spawner Fractional Gale and Buynak, 1982
Pimephales promelas Multiple of fractional spawner Multiple Jensen et al, 2001
Pimephales promelas Females released 16 to 26 batches of 391-480 eggs at intervals of 2 to 16 days (mean 3.9) Multiple Gale and Buynak, 1982
Pimephales promelas The number of eggs per spawn per female ranged from 46 to 130, with a mean value of 85 ± 2.8[Under facorable conditions, females can produce clutches of 50-100 eggs every 3-5 days] No category Jensen et al, 2001
Pimephales promelas Fractional spawner: can result in from 16 to 26 spawning events per females Fractional Duffy, 1998
Pimephales promelas Fractional spawner Fractional Kerr and Grant, 1999
Pseudorasbora parva Intermittent spawning, the number of batches which the female lays during the spawning season may be 60 or more Multiple Makeyeva and Mokamed, 1982
Pseudorasbora parva Under optimal temperature, female spawns each 5 days No category Billard, 1997
Pseudorasbora parva Multiple spawning Multiple Rossechi et al, 2001
Pseudorasbora parva Intermittent Spawning with up to 85 eggs per batch. up to 60 batches og eggs may be laid in a spawning season Multiple Coad, 2005
Pseudorasbora parva The number of eggs per bacth varies between 57 and 560 Multiple Makeyeva and Mokamed, 1982
Pseudorasbora parva Multiple Multiple Rosecchi et al, 2001
Pseudorasbora parva Batch spawner Multiple Pinder, 2005
Pseudorasbora parva During one act it lays up to several dozen eggs. Multiple Witkowski, 2006
Pseudorasbora parva Spawning is intemittent No category Boltachev et al, 2006
Pseudorasbora parva Is a multiple spawner that lay eggs repeatedly duting the spawning season. Multiple Katano and Maekawa, 1997
Rhodeus sericeus Batch spawners with determinate fecundity; breeding season is fixed at the onset of the spawning season. with egg number in the ovary declining over the spawning season Multiple Smith et al, 2004
Rhodeus sericeus Several batches of eggs, the time between two batch is about 5-20 mn Multiple Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Rhodeus sericeus Female can spawn in more than one mussel and lay 50-100 clutches of 1-6 eggs during a breeding season No category Smith et al, 2001
Rhodeus sericeus Multiple spawner: up to 5 Multiple Oliver and Carrel, 2001
Rhodeus sericeus Bouts of spawning last 1-3 days, with the interval between bouts usually 5-7 days. once a batch of eggs has ovulated. females are capable of spawning up to at least five occasions on the same day Multiple Smith et al, 2004
Rhodeus sericeus up to five batches of 40-100 eggs Multiple Oliver and Carrel, 2001
Rhodeus sericeus Multiple spawner: up to 5, batch of 40-100 eggs Multiple Bensettiti and Gaudillat, 2002
Rutilus rutilus Single Total Rinchard and Kestemont, 1996
Rutilus rutilus Once, no evidence of further spawning Total Diamond, 1985
Rutilus rutilus Spawn only once Total Molls, 1999
Rutilus rutilus Single spawner Total Rinchard, 1996
Rutilus rutilus Spawns only one batch of eggs per season Multiple Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2000
Rutilus rutilus Spawn a single time per spawning season Total Kopiejewska, 2003
Rutilus rutilus Single spawning per year Total Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
Rutilus rutilus Synchronous type of spawning has been reported No category Tarkan et al, 2006
Rutilus rutilus One single spawning Total Luksiene et al, 2000
Rutilus rutilus Spawn once a year Total Fredrich et al, 2003
Rutilus rutilus Sheld all their eggs in one batch Multiple Mackay and Mann, 1969
Rutilus rutilus Only one spawning of roach occurred each year No category Hladik and Kubecka, 2003
Rutilus rutilus One batch Multiple Cattanéo et al, 2001
Rutilus rutilus R. rutilus spawned only once, the embryos hatching around May 23rd Total Rheinberger et al, 1987
Rutilus rutilus Shed a single batch of eggs in a well-defined spawning period Multiple Nunn et al, 2007
Rutilus rutilus Single event Total Jobling et al, 2002b
Rutilus rutilus Pondeur unique No category Beelen et al, 1998/1999
Scardinius erythrophthalmus Multiple Multiple Rinchard, 1996
Scardinius erythrophthalmus One clear seasonal peak per year Total Fishbase, 2006
Scardinius erythrophthalmus Monospawner fish but in other areas where female shed the eggs over several months Multiple Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2000
Scardinius erythrophthalmus Fractionnal spawner No category Spillmann, 1961
Scardinius erythrophthalmus Spawns no less than 2 batches of eggs (the first is the main one), seem to spawn only twice Multiple Shikhshabekov, 1979
Scardinius erythrophthalmus Fractional spawner : several batches of eggs Multiple Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Scardinius erythrophthalmus Single spawning per year Total Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
Scardinius erythrophthalmus Synchronous type of spawning has been reported [Yet in some areas, rudd has asynchronous ovogenesis and shed the eggs over several months, spawn two batches of eggs int he absence of suitable conditions (particularly temperature) for spawning, the female remain throughout the spawning period with unspawned sexual products] Multiple Tarkan et al, 2006
Scardinius erythrophthalmus The eggs are laid in two portions, the first portion consisting of 80% of all the eggs No category Korzelecka and Winnicki, 1998
Scardinius erythrophthalmus Fractional Fractional Cattanéo et al, 2001
Scardinius erythrophthalmus S. erythrophthalmus spawned four times,the embryos hatching between June 19 and August 1st No category Rheinberger et al, 1987
Tinca tinca Multispawning, 3 spawnings under natural conditions, intervals of 15-22 days No category Pinillos et al, 2003
Tinca tinca Intermittent spawner Fractional Breton et al, 1980
Tinca tinca 9 spawnings under heated conditions No category Horoszewicz, 1983
Tinca tinca Multiple spawning Multiple Spillmann, 1961
Tinca tinca 3 to 9 spawings during a season No category Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Tinca tinca 3 if temperature is low and up to 9 during warm summer No category Billard, 1997
Tinca tinca Up to 8 batches Multiple Feunteun et al, 2001
Tinca tinca Batch-spawner Multiple Kamler et al, 1995
Tinca tinca Multi-batch spawning Multiple Pimpicka, 1990
Tinca tinca In normal spawning pond, females deposited 3-4 eggs batches [39-54 000 eggs] during the season, and 5-8 batches in heated ponds, interval spawning was 15-22 days and first batch of eggs yielded 33-38% of total fecundity per season Total Linhart and Billard, 1995
Tinca tinca Several batches during a breeding season Multiple Poncin et al, 1987
Tinca tinca Independent of climatic conditions, it depositis different numbers of batches during the spawning period: in Wes siberia 2-3 batches, in Lithuania and in the Kijowski dam reservoir, 3 batches; in the danube estuary 3-4 batches and in the Dniepr basin 4-5 batches Multiple Morawska, 1984
Tinca tinca The first batch is spawned usually in June, about one-third of total numbers is released at that time. The next batches (usually two) are spawned usually in 20-days intervals Total Kubu and Kouril, 1985
Vimba vimba Spawning is non-intermittent, however it could also spawn intermittently (as many as 3 batches of eggs with interval of 14-15 days) Multiple Shikhshabekov, 1979
Vimba vimba Spawning is non-intermittent Fractional Coad, 2005
Vimba vimba Usually spawn twice in one season, or even three times No category Hliwa and Martyniak, 2002
Vimba vimba Three batches Multiple Hliwa et al, 2002
Vimba vimba As a portion-spawning fish, V. vimba usually makes, with favourable weather conditions, 2-3 spawning migrations from this reservoir No category Wajdowicz, 1974
Vimba vimba Ovaries, close to the spawning, contain small (24-45%) and large (55-75%) eggs, which indicates spawning in batches Multiple Kuliev, 1988
Vimba vimba According to our examination wimba has a single spawning per season in the studied population. According to other study, V. vimba in the basins of the Baltic and Black seas is a repeat spawner (2-3 batches) and it is therefore impossible to compare those results with ours Multiple Lusk et al, 2005
Vimba vimba Batch spawning Multiple Luszczek et al, 2008
Gambusia affinis Females can have up to six groups of frys during a season No category Crivelli and Quatre, 2001
Gambusia affinis Viviparous No category Koya et al, 1998
Gambusia affinis Release 10-100 neonates by batch, each 3-4 weeks, i.e. 3 or 5 times per year Multiple Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Gambusia affinis The female carries about 30 alevins and gestation last for a period of 24 days to a month No category Fishbase, 2006
Gambusia affinis More than four spawning per year No category Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
Esox masquinongy Fractionnal spawner, producing two clutches of eggs per year No category Lebeau, 1991
Esox masquinongy The second clutch is equally important to the first No category Lebeau, 1991
Esox masquinongy The spawning act is carried out many times at irregular intervals over several days Multiple Scott and Crossman, 1973
Esox masquinongy Fractional spawner Fractional Lenhardt and Cakic, 2002
Esox niger A single female may spawn several times over the course of one or two days until all eggs are shed Multiple Coffie, 1998
Esox niger Spawning act is carried out at various intervals over 1 or 2 days No category Scott and Crossman, 1973
Esox lucius Single Total Rinchard, 1996
Esox lucius Single spawner, developping egg in a single clutch annually Total Lebeau, 1990
Esox lucius Each individual of both sex perfoms the spawning act only once annually Total Toner and Lawler, 1969
Esox lucius Batch spawner, one clear seasonal peak per year Multiple Fishbase, 2006
Esox lucius Numerous release of small batches of eggs (5 à 60 ovules) within few hours, a great distance could be made between two spawns Multiple Souchon, 1983
Esox lucius Frational spawning, over few days. Each spawning contains few dizaines eggs No category Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Esox lucius Ova are released in small batches of 5-60 many times over some distance, ensuring a wide distribution Multiple Billard, 1996
Esox lucius Batches over 2-5 days Multiple Le Louarn and Feunteun, 2001
Esox lucius Only 5 to 60 eggs are released at a time, this act is repeated every few minutes for up to several hours. During the resting, both male and female may take new mates, or they may continue together for several days until all eggs are extruded Multiple Fishbase, 2006
Esox lucius The spawning act is repeated many times during the day for 2-5 days [Usually in numbers of 5-60 at each spawning act] No category Scott and Crossman, 1973
Esox lucius Once a year Total Lenhardt and Cakic, 2002
Esox lucius Single spawning per year Total Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
Esox lucius A single female may spawn over a period of several days Multiple Kerr and Grant, 1999
Esox lucius Eggs are shed in a succession of batches on flooded arable and grassland, or dense mats of aquatic vegetation Multiple Giles et al, 1986
Esox lucius One single spawning Total Luksiene et al, 2000
Lota lota One clear seasonal peak per year Total Fishbase, 2006
Gasterosteus aculeatus Multiples Multiple Rinchard, 1996
Gasterosteus aculeatus Female can spawn several times per year Multiple Crivelli, 2001
Gasterosteus aculeatus Females may lay eggs in sevreral nests over a period of several days or may be courted by the same male Multiple Fishbase, 2006
Gasterosteus aculeatus Estimated number of clutches per female is about 14 No category Copp et al, 2002
Gasterosteus aculeatus 50-300 in several spawnings. mostly less than 100 and more than 50 per batch Multiple Internet, 2005
Gasterosteus aculeatus 100-400 eggs per batch Multiple Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Gasterosteus aculeatus Males and females only complete one spawning in natural conditions though laboratory studies show males capable of 5 reproductive cycles and females of producing a clutch of eggs every 3-4 days. No category Coad, 2005
Gasterosteus aculeatus Several female can spawn in the same nest Multiple Crivelli, 2001
Gasterosteus aculeatus The female deposits up to a few hundred eggs No category Fishbase, 2006
Gasterosteus aculeatus Eggs are laid in clusters Fractional Scott and Crossman, 1973
Gasterosteus aculeatus Clutches of 112 ± 19 No category Wallace and Selman, 1979
Gasterosteus aculeatus Clutches of 33-660 eggs No category Poizat et al, 2002
Gasterosteus aculeatus May ovulate several batches in a season is conditions are favourable Multiple Tyler and Sumpter, 1996
Gasterosteus aculeatus Eggs are deposited in clusters in the nest Fractional Bradbury et al, 1999
Gasterosteus aculeatus Several batches during a breeding season Multiple Poncin et al, 1987
Gasterosteus aculeatus Spawn several in breeding season Multiple Wootton, 1973
Gasterosteus aculeatus Female have the physiological capacity to spawn several times during a breeding season. A well-fed female spawn 10 or more times in a breeding season Multiple Ali and Wooton, 1999
Gasterosteus aculeatus The numbers of mature oocytes decreased gradually to the end of breeding as a consequence of multiple spawning Multiple Sokolowska and Sokolowska, 2006
Gasterosteus aculeatus The female lays about 100 to 150 eggs at a time. No category Swarup, 1958
Gasterosteus aculeatus Several spawnings may occur each season Multiple Goodyear, 1982
Pungitius pungitius Multiple spawner Multiple Fitzgerald, 1983
Pungitius pungitius Female release about 100 eggs No category Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Pungitius pungitius Female lays about 50 to 80 eggs No category Fishbase, 2006
Pungitius pungitius 20-30 batches of eggs Multiple Scott and Crossman, 1973
Pungitius pungitius Estimated number of clutches per female is about 21.3 No category Copp et al, 2002
Pungitius pungitius The range of clutch size in the two lakes was similar accross the 2 years. In Airolo Lake clutches ranged in size from 43 to 291 eggs (females 40.3-70.4mm Ls), whereas clutches in Dog Bone Lake contained 36-261 eggs (females 40.5-68.7 mm Ls) No category Heins et al, 2005
Pungitius pungitius May spawn more than once a season Multiple Goodyear, 1982
Pungitius pungitius The presence of partly spent females shows that spawning in this species is portioned: a female can spawn several times during one breeding season. After one clutch of eggs has been laid in the nest the next batch of oocytes begins to mature in the ovaries Multiple Sokolowska and Skora, 2002
Pungitius pungitius In most populations probably produce multiple clutches of eggs during a spawning season Multiple Heins et al, 2003
Ambloplites rupestris Multiple spawner Multiple Carrel et al, 2001
Ambloplites rupestris Multiple spawner Multiple Gross and Nowell, 1980
Ambloplites rupestris Spawing takes place at short intervals over a period of 1 hour or more but only a few eggs are laid at time No category Scott and Crossman, 1973
Ambloplites rupestris About 120 dips per spawning and about 3-5 eggs per dip No category Gross and Nowell, 1980
Lepomis gibbosus Multiple spawner: Batches of 8000-11000 eggs for a female of 9-11 cm Multiple Carrel et al, 2001
Lepomis gibbosus Multiple spawning: Mean number of spawning periods 3 [Batch fecundity either 1800-3900 or 2500-14100 eggs per female] Multiple Fox and Crivelli, 1998
Lepomis gibbosus Multiple spawner fish, each female spawns repeatedly over several months [Spawn several batches of eggs, three times or more at intervals of 20-30 days] Multiple Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2000
Lepomis gibbosus Small numbers of eggs and small quantities of sperm are meiited at irregular intervals [Males may spawn more than once in the same season, in the same nest, with the same or different females] Multiple Scott and Crossman, 1973
Lepomis gibbosus Eggs are deposited in clusters in the center of the nest Fractional Spillmann, 1961
Lepomis gibbosus Deposited in clusters, or singly but very dense pert unit area Fractional Internet, 2005
Lepomis gibbosus Several hundreds of eggs (600-5000) are released by each female in a kind of visquous ribbon Multiple Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Lepomis gibbosus Deposited in clusters Fractional Billard, 1997
Lepomis gibbosus Either single spawning per year or from two to four spawning per year Total Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
Micropterus dolomieui Small clusters, becoming loose Fractional Internet, 2005
Micropterus dolomieui Each nests receives only a single batch of eggs from a single female Multiple Gillooly and Baylis, 1999
Micropterus salmoides Females tend to spawn once a year. However, the spawing act may be prolonged and females may lay their eggs in more than one nest Total Heidinger, 1976
Micropterus salmoides Bass spawned intermittently during the spawning season as revealed by (i) the presence of fry over the entire duration of the spawning season, (ii) pattern of GSI : values returned to the regressed level gradually Fractional Rosenblum et al, 1994
Micropterus salmoides Multiple spawning periods have been observed during one spawning season Multiple Newburg, 1975
Micropterus salmoides Several batches of eggs are deposited into the nests at short intervals Multiple Internet, 2005
Micropterus salmoides Most ripe eggs are released with the initial spawn, each subsequent spawn normally contains approximatively half the eggs of the preceding spawn No category Williamson et al, 1993
Micropterus salmoides A single female may not lay all of her eggs in the same nest. Likewise, a male may entice more than one female to lay her eggs in his nest. Six spawning spasms within a period of 30 minutes for one pair Total Heidinger, 1976
Micropterus salmoides A female may spawn in more than one nest No category Newburg, 1975
Micropterus salmoides Deposited in center of the nest, eggs deposited in small clusters or loosely all over the nest Fractional Internet, 2005
Micropterus salmoides Females lay their eggs in several nests nut in a short period of time, fractionnal spawner [each nest could contain 5000-40000] Multiple Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Micropterus salmoides A female may spawn with several males on different nests Multiple Fishbase, 2006
Micropterus salmoides From two to four spawning per year No category Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
Micropterus salmoides The experiment did not allow to check the occurrence of "multiple spanwing". If it does occur, then it did running within a very short period of time, since in early June there were no stage IV occytes observed in the ovary sections; only stage I oocytes, oocytes in the degenerative process or empty oocytes remained. In other studies: eggs occurred of different development stages and spawning was made by small batches, over a more or less long period Multiple Martin et al, 1997
Dicentrarchus labrax Once a year (but several times in captivity) Total Prat et al. (1990) General And Comparative Endocrinology 78, 361-373
Dicentrarchus labrax Once a year [One batch per female released during few hours] Multiple Zohar et al, 1984
Dicentrarchus labrax Batch spawner [Once clear seasonal peak per year] Multiple Fishbase, 2006
Dicentrarchus labrax Batch spawner Multiple Berlinsky et al, 1995
Dicentrarchus labrax Batch Multiple Tyler and Sumpter, 1996
Dicentrarchus labrax Multi-batch spawner Multiple Secor, ???
Dicentrarchus labrax Fractional spawner [Once spawning has started, successive clutches appear to be recruited in quick succession from the large hetegogeneous population of smaller secondary oocytes. The first cluth contained 30-50% of the total number of seconday oocytes and that successive clutches contained relatively fewer oocytes. Spawn three or four seperate clutches in quick succession, successive clutches containing fewer oocytes. No secondary oocytes are 'held over' for the subsequent reproductive season.] Total Mayer et al, 1990
Morone americana Batch spawners Multiple Berlinsky et al, 1995
Morone americana Eggs may be released during two or three spawning acts No category Scott and Crossman, 1973
Morone americana Two or three seperate spawnings No category Stanley and Danie, 1983
Morone americana Spawn once a season, the occurrence of a large proportion of fish with partly psent gondas indicated that a single individual does not expel its full complement of eggs at one time. The various degrees of the partly-spent condition indicated that eggs might be expelled on more than two or three occassions probably depending on biological and environmental stimuli. Total Mansuetti, 1961
Morone chrysops Batch spawners Multiple Berlinsky et al, 1995
Morone chrysops White bass shed only about one-half of their ova No category Ruelle, 1977
Morone saxatilis Once, single clutch. Females releases one long continuous cloud of eggs for less than ten seconds, sometimes another (minor) synchronous gamete release can be observed Total Sullivan et al, 1997
Morone saxatilis Females spawn more than once in a season [One clear seasonal peak per year] Multiple Fishbase, 2006
Gymnocephalus cernua More than one clutches of eggs per spawning season, intermittent spawner Fractional Leino and McCormick, 1997
Gymnocephalus cernua Eggs are extruted in long adhesive and 'accordion folded' strands No category Billard, 1997
Gymnocephalus cernua Female spawn several batches during the spawning season Multiple Crivelli and Rosecchi, 2001
Gymnocephalus cernua Intermittent spawner with prolonged spawning season Fractional Saat and Veersalu, 1996
Gymnocephalus cernua Eggs are extruted in long adhesive and 'accordion folded' strands like perch ??? No category Spillmann, 1961
Gymnocephalus cernua Ruffle eggs are extruded in "strands" ? Never observed anywhere else No category Ogle, 1998
Gymnocephalus cernua 1000-6000 by batch, in a form of a ribbon Multiple Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Gymnocephalus cernua Females may spawn two or more batches of eggs in a season, one in winter-spring and one later in summer. Spawnings occurs intermittently, with eggs being laid in two or more batches per year Multiple Crosier et al, 2005
Gymnocephalus cernua Intermittent spawners: eggs are laid in two or more batches Multiple Craig, 2000
Gymnocephalus cernua Spawing is prolonged and portional, the eggs being laid in two or three portions No category Neja, 1988
Gymnocephalus cernua The analysis indicated that an average ruffe in all heated areas produced three mature portions of eggs during the spawing season, compard with two in the reference area No category Luksiene et al, 2000
Gymnocephalus cernua In asynchronous spawners like ruffe, egg size in consecutive batches is found to be smaller, which is associated with the diminishing resources of the female Multiple Albert et al, 2006
Perca flavescens Total spawner Total Dabrowski et al, 1996
Perca flavescens Once a year Total Craig, 2000
Perca flavescens All together Total Craig, 2000
Perca flavescens Eggs of the yellow perch are extruded in adhesive strands, eggs are extruted in long adhesive and 'accordion folded' strands about 5 cm thick No category Mansueti, 1964
Perca flavescens All together; Total Dabrowski et al, 1996
Perca flavescens Extruded in a unique transparent, gelatinous, accordion-folded string or tube No category Scott and Crossman, 1973
Perca flavescens Eggs are laid in masses or ribbons on structure suc as aquatic vegetation No category Rue, 2001
Perca flavescens Intermittent spawning Fractional Luksiene et al, 2000
Perca fluviatilis Total spawner Total Rinchard, 1996
Perca fluviatilis Once a year. All together in a ribbon Total Craig, 2000
Perca fluviatilis All together, unique transparent gelatinous accordion-folded stran Total Thorpe, 1977
Perca fluviatilis All together, in a ribbon Total Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Perca fluviatilis All eggs are shed in a single batch Multiple Treasurer and Holliday, 1981
Perca fluviatilis All together Total Fishbase, 2006
Perca fluviatilis Single spawning per year Total Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
Perca fluviatilis One single spawning Total Luksiene et al, 2000
Perca fluviatilis Shed a single batch of eggs in a well-defined spawning period Multiple Nunn et al, 2007
Sander lucioperca Total spawner Total Rinchard, 1996
Sander lucioperca Annual spawning Total Lappaleinen et al, 2003
Sander lucioperca Once a year Total Craig, 2000
Sander lucioperca One clear seasonal peak per year Total Fishbase, 2006
Sander lucioperca All together simutaneously Total Craig, 2000
Sander lucioperca Lays all the eggs at one time No category Lappaleinen et al, 2003
Sander lucioperca Lays all the eggs simultaneously, monogamous [Female can participate in reproduction only once per season, the same applies for male] Total Deeler and Willemsen, 1964
Sander lucioperca Single spawning per year Total Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
Sander lucioperca Partly a portion spawner No category Lehtonen et al, 1996
Sander lucioperca Female lays all the eggs simultaneously No category Schlumberger and Proteau, 1996
Sander vitreus Once a year Total Craig, 2000
Sander vitreus Batch spawner, with one clear seasonal peak per year Multiple Fishbase, 2006
Sander vitreus 200-300 eggs released per each spawning act, with acts repeated at 5-min intervals; waleye randomly broadcats eggs onto suitable substrates No category Malison and Held, 1996b
Sander vitreus Broacast-spawners, the act of emission may occur some distance off the bottom and the eggs settle gradually to the substrate below No category Corbett and Powles, 1986
Sander vitreus Apparently most individual females deposit most of their eggs in one night of spawning No category Scott and Crossman, 1973
Sander vitreus Deposition of eggs usually occurs in a single night Total Fishbase, 2006
Coregonus lavaretus Females move in each night as they rippen No category Coad, 2005
Coregonus albula Observations and histological analysis revealed that vendace in both lakes was a monocyclic spawner No category Demska-Zakes and Dlugosz, 1995
Coregonus albula Observations on the annual cycle of gonad development suggest that in lakes under study vendace lied eggs in one portion only Total Dlugosz and Worniallo, 1985
Coregonus clupeaformis Eggs being deposited over a period of several days Multiple Kerr and Grant, 1999
Hucho hucho Eggs are buried in spawning redds No category Holcik, 1990
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Once a year Total Groot, 1996
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha An average of two (one to four) egg batches per nest containing about 500 eggs [Average depth at which eggs are buried is 20-30 cm] Multiple Groot, 1996
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Deposition of all eggs can occur between 1-8 days No category Groot, 1996
Oncorhynchus keta 35% of eggs are deposited in the first nest and that the last few nests contain only one-half to one-quater of the number of eggsfind in the first [most females (>80%) completed spawning within 30-40 h after starting theri first nest No category Groot, 1996
Oncorhynchus keta A fish spawns 7000-7000 eggs in two or three egg releases No category Fishbase, 2006
Oncorhynchus keta Females may excavate more than one redd and males may spawn with more than one female No category Coad, 2006
Oncorhynchus kisutch Eggs are buried at depths ranging from 18 to 39 cm and aredd can contain four to five egg pockets No category Groot, 1996
Oncorhynchus mykiss The whole process is repeated for several days until the female deposists all her eggs Multiple Fishbase, 2006
Oncorhynchus mykiss Deposited in loose cluster or piles Fractional Internet, 2005
Oncorhynchus mykiss Females lay about 800-1000 eggs in each nest pocket No category Groot, 1996
Oncorhynchus nerka Eggs are released in three to four times No category Groot, 1996
Oncorhynchus nerka A female normally needs 3 to 5 days to deposit all her eggs and utilizes 3 to 5 nests for this prupose No category Fishbase, 2006
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Deposited and buried in clusters in gravel Fractional Internet, 2005
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Fertilized eggs are buried under 20-60 cm of gravel, in several times Multiple Groot, 1996
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Buried in the ground at about 25-30 No category Vronskii and Leman, 1991
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha The whole process of mating and spawning is repeated until the female releases all her eggs, which may take several days [The male the leaves the female and may mate with another female] Multiple Fishbase, 2006
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Females spawn multiple times in a series of nests, usually comprising a single redd Multiple Berejikian et al, 2000
Salmo salar Batch spawner Multiple Fishbase, 2006
Salmo salar The spawning act is repeated many times until the spawing is completed No category Scott and Crossman, 1973
Salmo salar The spawning is repeated several times until all eggs have been released Multiple Groot, 1996
Salmo salar During the spawning, several redd may be excavated Multiple Scott and Crossman, 1973
Salmo salar As many as five to nine excavations may occur, the last one serving to cover the final batch Multiple Kerr and Grant, 1999
Salmo salar Several batch of eggs in 5-10 mn intervals Multiple Bensettiti and Gaudillat, 2002
Salmo trutta fario Once Total Rinchard, 1996
Salmo trutta fario Several nests are generally completed in succession by the female during the spawning season before she is spent, with each nest containing a few hundred eggs Multiple Groot, 1996
Salmo trutta fario The process is repeated many times, but when spawning is completed, the female covers the redd with gravel No category Scott and Crossman, 1973
Salmo trutta fario A female may dig three to four redd No category Kerr and Grant, 1999
Salmo trutta fario Mean of 34 (range 5-69%) of repeat spawning for anadromous populations, Mean of 64.6% for resident populations No category Fleming, 1998
Salmo trutta fario Each female spawned all her eggs on a single spawning area in only one redd generally over one to two nights Total Rubin et al, 2005
Salvelinus alpinus Once, may not spawn every year but spend several years between two spawning season Multiple Jamet, 1995
Salvelinus alpinus Batch spawner Multiple Fishbase, 2006
Salvelinus alpinus Females can release all the eggs over a period from 4 h to 3 d during which she can prepare ut to 8 nest pockets [Eggs can be buried under a layer of gravel 10-20 cm thick] No category Groot, 1996
Salvelinus alpinus Several days are usually required for females to deposit all their eggs Multiple Fishbase, 2006
Salvelinus fontinalis Females spawned an average of 2.7-3.4 times to deposit a total of 552-571 eggs each Total Hokanson et al, 1973
Salvelinus fontinalis There are usually several extrutions followed by a resting period Multiple Scott and Crossman, 1973
Salvelinus fontinalis During spawning, there are usually several extrusions of eggs and milt followed by resting periods before the nest is closed Multiple Groot, 1996
Salvelinus fontinalis Female brook trout continue to excavate new redds an deposits eggs until they are spent No category Kerr and Grant, 1999
Salvelinus fontinalis Repeat spawning has been reported for brrok trout, but the accounts of successive spawning indicate that such behavior may lead to the deposition of ova in seperate pockets within a redd No category Hausle and Coble, 1976
Salvelinus namaycush Batch spawner, the spawning act (one female and one or two males) is repeated until the female releases all her eggs Multiple Fishbase, 2006
Stenodus leucichthys Once Total Belyaeva, 2005
Stenodus leucichthys Female may repeat the spawning act over the downstream portion of the spawning area or may move upstream to the head of the grounds before releasing more eggs No category Fishbase, 2006
Thymallus thymallus Females deposit their eggs several times and need to rest between spawning acts Multiple Sempeski and Gaudin, 1995
Thymallus thymallus Eggs are released in several times Multiple Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Thymallus thymallus Eggs are released several times, usually with the same male and at the same place [From to 10 spawings within 2 days] Multiple Persat, 2001
Thymallus arcticus A female may spawn only once, or several times in different areas Multiple Fishbase, 2006
Thymallus arcticus The female may spawn once only, or several times in different areas Multiple Scott and Crossman, 1973
Thymallus arcticus Grayling females in Providence Creek release most, or all, of their eggs in one act, because, as nearly as could be ascertained, no female was caught with only part of her ripe eggs remaining in the ovary No category Bishop, 1971
Cottus gobio Once/Multiples Multiple Rinchard, 1996
Cottus gobio Usually one but up to four in certain britain populations No category Persat, 2001
Cottus gobio Spawns once a year for several years in low productivity streams, but exhibits multiple spawning within a season in high productivity enviroments Multiple Fishbase, 2006
Cottus gobio 100 to 500 eggs by spawning No category Spillmann, 1961
Cottus gobio 100-500 by batch Multiple Bruslé and Quignard, 2001
Cottus gobio 100-500 eggs per female No category Persat, 2001
Cottus gobio Multiple spawning during the same breeding season Multiple Marconato and Bisazza, 1988
Cottus gobio Multiple broods Multiple Environment agency, ???
Cottus gobio Females laid all their eggs during the same period [Producing only one single batch of eggs per year] Yet, Fox also found that bullhead in less productive streams lay only one batch of eggs annually but in highly productive streams may lay up to four batches of eggs Multiple Abdoli et al, 2005
Cottus gobio Typically once for females in upland streams, and up to four times in warmer, more productive lowland streams [Females adopt fractional reproduction in the latter, with successive batches of secondary oocytes developping into eggs, which the females then lays, perhaps with different partners] Multiple Tomlinson and Perrow, 2003
Cottus gobio Females lays a batch of up to 400 eggs Multiple Tomlinson and Perrow, 2003
Cottus gobio Several batches during a breeding season Multiple Poncin et al, 1987
Cottus gobio Apperead to be multiple spawners [...] laid four batches [Other area: Although it is possible that a female might lay parts of her batch separately, the distribution of egg sizes and the very short spawning season both suggest that females only ripen one egg batch per season Multiple Fox, 1978
Ameiurus nebulosus Expels 30-50 eggs at time, deposited in clusters Fractional Internet, 2005
Ameiurus nebulosus One individual may spawn more than once in one year Multiple Scott and Crossman, 1973
Ameiurus nebulosus Spawning may occur twice a year Multiple Goodyear et al. et al, 1982
Ameiurus nebulosus Females deposit all of their annual production of ripe eggs in the nest of a single male. Males apparently spawn with only one female during a single breeding season Total Internet, 2001
Ictalurus punctatus This species may spawn more than once a year Total Internet, 2005
Ictalurus punctatus Batch spawners Multiple Fishbase, 2006
Ictalurus punctatus Eggs are deposited in large, flat gelatinous mass No category Internet, 2005
Ictalurus punctatus Spawning lasted 4-6 h with about 9 releases of eggs per hour No category Grizzle, 1985
Ictalurus punctatus Two spawning peaks may occur No category Goodyear et al. et al, 1982
Ictalurus punctatus Sequential spawners. Periodically the female deposits a layer of eggs and the male fertilizes them No category Legendre et al, 1997
Ictalurus punctatus Cluster Fractional Hecht, 1996
Silurus glanis Spawns intermittently [Most female spawns two batches of eggs] Multiple Zholdasova and Guseva, 1987
Silurus glanis After reaching maturity in nature, reproduce only once year Total Legendre et al, 1997
Silurus glanis One clear seasonal peak per year Total Fishbase, 2006
Osmerus eperlanus Individual males may spawn on as many as 8 nights consecutively, whereas females may spawn only 3 to 4 nights No category Buckley, 1989