Trait completeness | 96% |
Total data | 226 |
References | 36 |
Author: Fabrice Téletchéa
License: All rights reserved
Trait id | Trait | Primary data | Secondary Data | References |
1 | Oocyte diameter | 1.375-1.625 [Ova] | 1.5 mm | Kennedy and Fitzmaurice, 1972 |
1 | Oocyte diameter | 1.5-2 | 1.75 mm | Bruslé and Quignard, 2001 |
1 | Oocyte diameter | 2 [Not specified] | 2.0 mm | Spillmann, 1961 |
1 | Oocyte diameter | 1.2 | 1.2 mm | Rossechi and Kestemont, 2001 |
1 | Oocyte diameter | 1.4-1.8 | 1.6 mm | Fishbase, 2006 |
1 | Oocyte diameter | 1.126 [Mean egg size, not specified] | 1.13 mm | Rosecchi et al, 2001 |
1 | Oocyte diameter | 1.2 | 1.2 mm | Tyler and Sumpter, 1996 |
1 | Oocyte diameter | 0.73-1.76, up to 2.20 ? [Average diameter of the largest oocyte in fully developed ovaries] | 1.25 mm | Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002 |
1 | Oocyte diameter | 1.8 [Not specified] | 1.8 mm | Copp et al, 2002b |
1 | Oocyte diameter | Non-inseminated, freshly stripped gudgeon eggs are 0.99 mm in diameter | 0.99 mm | Penaz and Prokes, 1978 |
Trait id | Trait | Primary Data | Secondary Data | References |
8 | Initial larval size | 5.45 | 5.45 mm | Kennedy and Fitzmaurice, 1972 |
8 | Initial larval size | 4-5 | 4.5 mm | Bruslé and Quignard, 2001 |
8 | Initial larval size | 4.5-5.5 | 5.0 mm | Rinchard, 1996 |
8 | Initial larval size | 4.7 | 4.7 mm | Chemillier, 1995 |
8 | Initial larval size | 3.0-4.2 | 3.6 mm | Penaz and Prokes, 1978 |
8 | Initial larval size | Mean of 4.3 (4 to 4.7 mm). […] In Ireland, length of 4.68 to 5.45 mm | 4.7 mm | Brunet and Hoestlandt, 1972 |
9 | Larvae behaviour | Tend to keep to the bottom. where they rest upright with the spread out of their pectoral fins | Demersal | Kennedy and Fitzmaurice, 1972 |
9 | Larvae behaviour | Benthic larvae | Demersal | Mann, 1996 |
9 | Larvae behaviour | The hatched embryos mostly lie still on the bottom | Demersal | Penaz and Prokes, 1978 |
10 | Reaction to light | Benthic larvae are photophobic | Photophobic | Mann, 1996 |
Trait id | Trait | Primary Data | Secondary Data | References |
15 | Age at sexual maturity | 2-3 [Both sex] | 2.5 year | Kennedy and Fitzmaurice, 1972 |
15 | Age at sexual maturity | 3 | 3.0 year | Bruslé and Quignard, 2001 |
15 | Age at sexual maturity | 2 [Sometimes 1, rarely 3-4, Box sex] | 3.5 year | Rosechhi and Kestemont, 2001 |
15 | Age at sexual maturity | 2-3 [Female] | 2.5 year | Fishbase, 2006 |
15 | Age at sexual maturity | 1 [Bot sex] | 1.0 year | Rosecchi et al, 2001 |
15 | Age at sexual maturity | 1-2 [12-24 months, age at maturation] | 1.5 year | Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002 |
15 | Age at sexual maturity | 2-3 [Not specified] | 2.5 year | Environment agency, ??? |
15 | Age at sexual maturity | Nearly all fish were mature at the end of their third year, and approximatively 89% from females and 74% Stour females spawnerd after two years | 3.0 year | Mann, 1980 |
15 | Age at sexual maturity | Celle-ci peut-être atteinte dès le second été (1+) chez les groupes qui mesurent 90 à 100 mm de longueur. […] 50% seulement des femelles de goujons 1+ sont aptes à se reproduire. Toutes les femelles 2+ sont aptes à la reproduction | 2.0 year | Brunet and Hoestlandt, 1972 |
16 | Length at sexual maturity | 7.9 is the smallest mature female | 7.9 cm | Kennedy and Fitzmaurice, 1972 |
Trait id | Trait | Primary Data | Secondary Data | References |
27 | Age at sexual maturity | 2-3 [Both sex] | 2.5 years | Kennedy and Fitzmaurice, 1972 |
27 | Age at sexual maturity | 2 | 2.0 years | Bruslé and Quignard, 2001 |
27 | Age at sexual maturity | 2 [Sometimes 1, rarely 3-4, Box sex] | 3.5 years | Rosechhi and Kestemont, 2001 |
27 | Age at sexual maturity | 2-3 [male] | 2.5 years | Fishbase, 2006 |
27 | Age at sexual maturity | 1 [Bot sex] | 1.0 years | Rosecchi et al, 2001 |
27 | Age at sexual maturity | 3-4 [Males] | 3.5 years | Environment agency, ??? |
27 | Age at sexual maturity | 2-3 [Not specified] | 2.5 years | Environment agency, ??? |
27 | Age at sexual maturity | Nearly all fish were mature at the end of their third year, and approximatively 64% of all males after two years | 3.0 years | Mann, 1980 |
28 | Length at sexual maturity | 6.9 is the smallest male | 6.9 cm | Kennedy and Fitzmaurice, 1972 |
28 | Length at sexual maturity | 9.70-10.50 [Male] | 10.1 cm | Fishbase, 2006 |
Trait id | Trait | Primary Data | Secondary Data | References |
36 | Spawning migration distance | Limited home range | No data | Environment agency, ??? |
39 | Spawning season | May-June | ['May', 'June'] | Billard, 1997 |
39 | Spawning season | Mid-April until End of August, with a peak in May-June | ['April', 'May', 'June', 'August'] | Rinchard, 1996 |
39 | Spawning season | April-May to June-July and Mid-August | ['April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August'] | Bruslé and Quignard, 2001 |
39 | Spawning season | April to June [France] | ['April', 'May', 'June'] | Kennedy and Fitzmaurice, 1972 |
39 | Spawning season | May-June | ['May', 'June'] | Spillmann, 1961 |
39 | Spawning season | April to July [Peak in May-june] | ['April', 'May', 'June', 'July'] | Rosechhi and Kestemont, 2001 |
39 | Spawning season | May-July | ['May', 'July'] | Mann, 1996 |
39 | Spawning season | April-July | ['April', 'July'] | Rosecchi et al, 2001 |
39 | Spawning season | April-August | ['April', 'August'] | Environment agency, ??? |