Bruslé and Quignard, 2001


Bruslé, J. and Quignard, J.P. (2001) Biologie des poissons d'eau douce européens., pp.

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Anguilla anguilla Egg Oocyte diameter Average diameter: 1.15 1.15 mm
Anguilla anguilla Egg Egg size after water-hardening About 2 mm after fertilization 2.0 mm
Anguilla anguilla Larvae Initial larval size 2.9 2.9 mm
Anguilla anguilla Larvae Larvae behaviour Pelagic Pelagic
Anguilla anguilla Female Age at sexual maturity 3-12 [Female] 7.5 year
Anguilla anguilla Female Length at sexual maturity 45-50 [Female] 47.5 cm
Anguilla anguilla Female Relative fecundity 700-2600 up to 3000 1650.0 thousand eggs/kg
Anguilla anguilla Female Maximum GSI value Up to 32 to 60% in artificial conditions ! 32.0 percent
Anguilla anguilla Male Age at sexual maturity 2.5-5 [Male] 3.75 years
Anguilla anguilla Male Length at sexual maturity 30-45 [Male] 37.5 cm
Anguilla anguilla Spawning conditions Spawning migration distance 6000-8000 km 7000.0 km
Anguilla anguilla Spawning conditions Spawning migration period In France in fall: October to December ['October', 'November', 'December']
Anguilla anguilla Spawning conditions Spawning period duration Reproduction from February to April or March to July No data
Anguilla anguilla Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 16-17 16.5 °C
Anguilla anguilla Spawning conditions Spawning water type Sargasso Sea [Larvae hatch in region with low current] Flowing or turbulent water
Alosa alosa Egg Oocyte diameter 1.5-2 1.75 mm
Alosa alosa Egg Egg size after water-hardening 1.5-2 [Sometimes up to 4.4 ?] 1.75 mm
Alosa alosa Egg Egg Buoyancy Pelagic and could derive during several kms but then sinks to the bottom Pelagic
Alosa alosa Egg Egg adhesiveness No Non-Adhesive
Alosa alosa Egg Incubation time About 4 [At 18-20°C] 19.0 days
Alosa alosa Egg Temperature for incubation 18-20 [The hatching is only possible above 18°C] 19.0 °C
Alosa alosa Egg Degree-days for incubation 67-125 96.0 °C * day
Alosa alosa Larvae Initial larval size 7-12 9.5 mm
Alosa alosa Larvae Larvae behaviour Remains in the gravel Demersal
Alosa alosa Larvae Reaction to light Photophobic Photophobic
Alosa alosa Larvae Temperature during larval development 18-20 19.0 °C
Alosa alosa Female Age at sexual maturity 4-6 5.0 year
Alosa alosa Female Length at sexual maturity 36-60 48.0 cm
Alosa alosa Female Weight at sexual maturity 1.845 1.84 kg
Alosa alosa Female Relative fecundity 100-240 [98-110 in Gironde, France] 170.0 thousand eggs/kg
Alosa alosa Female Maximum GSI value 16-27% [Not precised] 21.5 percent
Alosa alosa Male Age at sexual maturity 3-5 4.0 years
Alosa alosa Male Length at sexual maturity 32-56 44.0 cm
Alosa alosa Male Weight at sexual maturity 0.985 0.98 kg
Alosa alosa Male Maximum GSI value 7.5-10% [Not precised] 8.75 percent
Alosa alosa Spawning conditions Spawning migration distance Up to 700 km 700.0 km
Alosa alosa Spawning conditions Spawning migration period March to June-July [Water temperature of 10-11°C] ['March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July']
Alosa alosa Spawning conditions Spawning season May to July ['May', 'June', 'July']
Alosa alosa Spawning conditions Spawning period duration Several months No data
Alosa alosa Spawning conditions Spawning water type Quite rapid current Flowing or turbulent water
Alosa alosa Spawning conditions Spawning depth Shallow : 0.50-1.50 m 1.0 m
Alosa alosa Spawning conditions Spawning substrate Gravels to coarse pebbles Lithophils
Alosa alosa Spawning conditions Spawning site preparation No No category
Alosa alosa Spawning conditions Nycthemeral period of oviposition Night : during 1 and 5 a.m. Night
Alosa alosa Spawning conditions Mating system One female followed by 5-6 males Polyandry
Alosa alosa Spawning conditions Spawning release 5 to 7 batches during a spawning season Multiple
Alosa alosa Spawning conditions Parity Semelparous, most fish die after psawning [10-11% of male and 19% of female survive in the Dordogne, France] Semelparous
Alosa alosa Spawning conditions Parental care None No care
Alosa fallax Egg Egg size after water-hardening 1.8-2.4 2.1 mm
Alosa fallax Egg Egg Buoyancy Pelagic and could derive but then sink to the bottom Pelagic
Alosa fallax Egg Egg adhesiveness No Non-Adhesive
Alosa fallax Egg Degree-days for incubation 70-78 74.0 °C * day
Alosa fallax Larvae Initial larval size 4.25-6 5.12 mm
Alosa fallax Female Age at sexual maturity 3-5 4.0 year
Alosa fallax Female Relative fecundity 100-117 108.5 thousand eggs/kg
Alosa fallax Male Age at sexual maturity 2-3 2.5 years
Alosa fallax Spawning conditions Spawning migration distance Depend but could be short, i.e. 60 km 60.0 km
Alosa fallax Spawning conditions Homing Presence of homing, more pronounced than that of Alosa alosa Present
Alosa fallax Spawning conditions Spawning season June-July ['June', 'July']
Alosa fallax Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 18-22 20.0 °C
Alosa fallax Spawning conditions Spawning water type Turbide water No category
Alosa fallax Spawning conditions Spawning depth 1.5-3 2.25 m
Alosa fallax Spawning conditions Spawning substrate Gravels and pebbles [sometimes sand] Lithophils