Aphanius iberus |
April and June [Decreased in June, certainly due to the first fractioned spawning at the end of May] |
['April', 'May', 'June'] |
Vargas and De Sostoa, 1997 |
Aphanius iberus |
March-April |
['March', 'April'] |
Fernandez-Delgado et al, 1988 |
Valencia hispanica |
March-April |
['March', 'April'] |
Caiola et al, 2001 |
Barbatula barbatula |
The dynamics of GSI values and oocyte diameters in Estonia suggests that gonad reach stage IV (gonads with full-grown oocytes) already by late autumn (November) |
['October', 'November', 'December'] |
Saat et al, 2003 |
Barbatula barbatula |
The subsequent ripening of eggs and restoration of the GSI to April-May levels took 2.5-3 months |
['April', 'May'] |
Skryabin, 1993 |
Barbatula barbatula |
From March to June, with a few small fish excepted, this ratio lies on or above 10%, in a few instances reaching the high figures of 35% |
['March', 'April', 'May', 'June'] |
Smyly, 1955 |
Cobitis taenia |
Mature females displayed gonad elaboration and growth between March and June, with a large reduction in weight between July and September |
['March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September'] |
Robotham, 1981 |
Cobitis taenia |
Based on GSI graph, GSI varied from 12% in beginning of April to 22% in the end of April to 26% in the end of May |
['April', 'May'] |
Marconato and Rasotto, 1989 |
Cobitis taenia |
In females from South Estonian rivers (Vohandu, Ahja) a rapid increase in gonad weight occurs during May and June |
['May', 'June'] |
Vaino and Saat, 2003 |
Cobitis paludica |
Greatest increase in Late March-Early April |
['March', 'April'] |
Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002 |
Blicca bjoerkna |
April and May |
['April', 'May'] |
Rinchard and Kestemont, 1996 |
Blicca bjoerkna |
April |
['April'] |
Hansen, 1980 |
Blicca bjoerkna |
Most stages of gonad maturation take place in spring |
['April', 'May', 'June'] |
Fredrich et al, 2003 |
Blicca bjoerkna |
6.79 ± 1.22 [October] to 7.07 ± 1.00 [In April] |
['April', 'October'] |
Lefler et al, 2006 |
Blicca bjoerkna |
The long period of tranquillity is followed in early spring by a rapid gain in ovary weight which is a result of increasing day length, temperature, and improving food supply. By April, the intensity of ovogenesis in the ovaries increased again. The GSI value increased one and a half times in a short period of time (from 5.67% to 8.67%) [...] Thus, in the one - one and a half months prior to spawning vert intensive qualitative and quatitative processes can be observed in the ovary. This is the most intensive period of the ovarian cycle which is shown by quantifiable reproductive indicators. |
['April', 'May', 'June'] |
Lefler et al, 2008 |
Abramis brama |
Most stages of gonad maturation take place in spring |
['April', 'May', 'June'] |
Fredrich et al, 2003 |
Abramis brama |
The coefficient attains its maximal values in April and May, directly before spawning |
['April', 'May'] |
Kompowski, 1982 |
Alburnoides bipunctatus |
March until end of May from 11 [n=5] to 18-20 [n=48] |
['March', 'May'] |
Yildirim et al, 1999 |
Aristichthys nobilis |
At end of April and beginning of May, gonads reached the IV stage of maturation [Gsi about 7-13%] |
['April', 'May'] |
Makeyeva et al, 1996 |
Aristichthys nobilis |
Vitellogenesis in these fishes completes in spring, when the maturation coefficients of females reaches maximum level |
['April', 'May', 'June'] |
Makeeva et al, 1988 |
Aspius aspius |
March-April |
['March', 'April'] |
Shikhshabekov, 1979 |
Barbus barbus |
During spring (March-May) a rapid frowth of the gonads occurs until the next spawning |
['March', 'April', 'May', 'June'] |
Lobon-Cervia and Fernandez-Delgado, 1984 |
Barbus barbus |
2.58 ± 1.29 [October] to 6.15 ± 2.14 [In April] |
['April', 'October'] |
Lefler et al, 2006 |
Barbus barbus |
As vitellogenesis in the barvel does not stop in winter months, the number of oocytes in the stage of vitellogenesis in samples collected in December alsmot reaches that of cells in the stage of cortical alveoli |
['January', 'February', 'March', 'December'] |
Lefler et al, 2008 |
Carassius auratus |
March until April [GSI rapidly increased in March, and after the first ovulation second important increase in April] |
['March', 'April'] |
Kagawa et al, 1983 |
Carassius auratus |
GSI rapidly increased in April (6.4 ± 1.0) |
['April'] |
Kobayashi et al, 1986 |
Chondrostoma nasus |
Sexual maturation starts in Autumn and ends in March |
['March', 'October', 'November', 'December'] |
Bruslé and Quignard, 2001 |
Chondrostoma nasus |
9.43 ± 1.65 [In October] to 20.15 ± 3.12 [In April] |
['April', 'October'] |
Lefler et al, 2006 |
Ctenopharyngodon idella |
The gonads pass the winter in early maturity stages, develop to intermediate level during spring, and quickly reach final maturatrion just prior to spawning in June and July |
['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July'] |
Shireman and Smith, 1983 |
Ctenopharyngodon idella |
Vitellogenesis in these fishes completes in spring, when the maturation coefficients of females reaches maximum level |
['April', 'May', 'June'] |
Makeeva et al, 1988 |
Cyprinus carpio |
October to December |
['October', 'November', 'December'] |
Yaron and Levavi-Zermonsky, 1986 |
Cyprinus carpio |
October to November |
['October', 'November'] |
Bieniarz et al, 1978 |
Cyprinus carpio |
A dramatic growth is observed in April |
['April'] |
Crivelli, 1981 |
Cyprinus carpio |
September [In Australia] |
['September'] |
Smith and Walker, 2004 |
Gobio gobio |
May |
['May'] |
Kestemont, 1987 |
Gobio gobio |
April-May |
['April', 'May'] |
Rinchard et al, 1993 |
Gobio gobio |
April [From 6.3 in March to 17.6 in April] |
['March', 'April'] |
Rosecchi et al, 2001 |
Gobio gobio |
April |
['April'] |
Mann, 1980 |
Gobio gobio |
Enlargement of ooctyes by accumulation of yolk globules caused a marked increase in GSI in May |
['May'] |
Kestemont, 1990 |
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix |
Vitellogenesis in these fishes completes in spring, when the maturation coefficients of females reaches maximum level |
['April', 'May', 'June'] |
Makeeva et al, 1988 |
Leuciscus cephalus |
April-May [From 0.95 in March to 13.56 in May] |
['March', 'April', 'May'] |
Kalkan et al, 2005 |
Leuciscus cephalus |
March-April [From 4 to 10%] |
['March', 'April'] |
Unlu and Balci, 1993 |
Leuciscus cephalus |
February-March [From 4 to ca. 7.5] |
['February', 'March'] |
Sasi, 2003 |
Leuciscus cephalus |
Increase regularly from September to May, but most between March-April |
['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'September', 'October', 'November'] |
Mann, 1976 |
Leuciscus cephalus |
April-May |
['April', 'May'] |
Poncin et al, 1989 |
Leuciscus cephalus |
Particularly intense from April to May |
['April', 'May'] |
Erdogan et al, 2002 |
Leuciscus cephalus |
During spring (March-May), an obviously rapid growth of gonads occurred until the next spawning. Differences between values according to months, especially Apriln are statistically significant |
['March', 'April', 'May', 'June'] |
Koc et al, 2007 |
Leuciscus idus |
13.12 ± 2.41 [In October] to 19.14 ± 2.24 [In April] |
['April', 'October'] |
Lefler et al, 2006 |
Leuciscus leuciscus |
From Mid-August to November, 2 to 10% |
['August', 'September', 'October', 'November'] |
Mann, 1974 |
Phoxinus phoxinus |
March to May |
['March', 'April', 'May'] |
Mills, 1987 |
Phoxinus phoxinus |
Another increase occurs again in early spring, and finally a rapid increase takes place in late spring immediately prior to spawning |
['April', 'May', 'June'] |
Scott, 1979 |
Phoxinus phoxinus |
A final increase takes place in the following spring |
['April', 'May', 'June'] |
Frost, 1943 |
Rutilus rutilus |
Not a true main activity because there is a regular increase |
None |
Mann, 1973 |
Rutilus rutilus |
Increase until 6 in January then a sharp increase from 6 to max value in February-March |
['January', 'February', 'March'] |
Tarkan et al, 2006 |
Rutilus rutilus |
The final stages of ovary development occurred rapidly in early spring. Ig increased by 5 in the period from the beginning of April to mid-May |
['April', 'May', 'June'] |
Gillet and Quétin, 2006 |
Scardinius erythrophthalmus |
Increase regularly until April at 6%, then rise sharply until max value |
['April'] |
Tarkan et al, 2006 |
Tinca tinca |
May-June (Regular increase up to the spawning) |
['May', 'June'] |
Breton et al, 1980 |
Tinca tinca |
From March to June, but quite regular increase from August until June |
['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November'] |
Yilmaz, 2002 |
Tinca tinca |
April-May [From 5 to 17%] |
['April', 'May'] |
Linhart and Billard, 1995 |
Tinca tinca |
October to December and April-May |
['April', 'May', 'October', 'November', 'December'] |
Alas and Solak, 2004 |
Tinca tinca |
April-May |
['April', 'May'] |
Kubu and Kouril, 1985 |
Vimba vimba |
May |
['May'] |
Hliwa et al, 2002 |
Gambusia affinis |
May-June |
['May', 'June'] |
Koya et al, 1998 |
Esox lucius |
Winter [Important in increase in November, and continue to increase until spawning] |
['January', 'February', 'March', 'November'] |
Lenhardt, 1992 |
Esox lucius |
Increase regularly in the winter and then sharp increase in March-April |
['January', 'February', 'March', 'April'] |
Billard, 1996 |
Esox lucius |
Increase regularly during the winter, mainly in January-February |
['January', 'February', 'March'] |
Treasurer, 1990 |
Esox lucius |
February |
['February'] |
June, 1977 |
Lota lota |
November-December |
['November', 'December'] |
Pulliainen and Korhonen, 1990 |
Lota lota |
November-December |
['November', 'December'] |
June, 1977 |
Gasterosteus aculeatus |
March-April |
['March', 'April'] |
Copp et al, 2002 |
Gasterosteus aculeatus |
Very rapid increase in the GSI in March and April |
['March', 'April'] |
Wootton et al, 1978 |
Gasterosteus aculeatus |
May |
['May'] |
Borg and Van Veen, 1982 |
Gasterosteus aculeatus |
April-May, based on figure 5b |
['April', 'May'] |
Sokolowska and Sokolowska, 2006 |
Pungitius pungitius |
Based on GSI graph, in February GSI increased from 5 to 35% in females |
['February'] |
Copp et al, 2002 |
Pungitius pungitius |
Based on GSI graph, from April until July (during the spawning season) |
['April', 'May', 'June', 'July'] |
Sokolowska and Skora, 2002 |
Lepomis gibbosus |
June |
['June'] |
Burns, 1976 |
Lepomis gibbosus |
Based on GSI graph, GSI increases from 2 to 6% in May |
['May'] |
Copp et al, 2002 |
Micropterus salmoides |
February |
['February'] |
Bennett and Gibbons, 1975 |
Micropterus salmoides |
March-April for altitude pond sample, and May for plain pond |
['March', 'April', 'May'] |
Martin et al, 1997 |
Micropterus salmoides |
May |
['May'] |
Beamish et al, 2005 |
Dicentrarchus labrax |
February-March [At Arcachon, France] |
['February', 'March'] |
Zohar et al, 1984 |
Dicentrarchus labrax |
February [In Arcachon, France], October-November [In Sète, France], October-November [Tunisia] |
['February', 'October', 'November'] |
Barnabé, 1980 |
Morone americana |
March |
['March'] |
Jackson and Sullivan, 1995 |
Morone americana |
Mature-Gravid. Ovaries very full of yellowish granular eggs that are partly translucent. Ova can be extruded from the oviduct by exerting considerable pressure. Diameter range from 0.65-0.75 mm. February to April |
['February', 'March', 'April'] |
Mansuetti, 1961 |
Morone chrysops |
March-April |
['March', 'April'] |
Ruelle, 1977 |
Morone chrysops |
Increase regularly from December until April |
['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'December'] |
June, 1977 |
Morone saxatilis |
There is a surge in oocyte growth and circulating levels of sex steroids around the vernal equinox |
None |
Sullivan et al, 1997 |
Morone saxatilis |
In early March 1989, the GSI of age-3 fish was 1.95. The Gsi had increased to only 2.11 by mid-April but jumped to 10.77 in May |
['March', 'April', 'May'] |
Olsen and Rulifson, 1992 |
Morone saxatilis |
Final oocyte maturation in late April and May |
['April', 'May'] |
Woods III and Sullivan, 1993 |
Morone saxatilis |
Significant egg growth from September to March |
['January', 'February', 'March', 'September', 'October', 'November'] |
Blythe et al, 1994 |
Morone saxatilis |
January and February in maturing captive females |
['January', 'February'] |
Holland et al, 2000 |
Gymnocephalus cernua |
March-April |
['March', 'April'] |
Leino and McCormick, 1997 |
Perca flavescens |
The increase of temperature in March induces the completion of vitellogenesis, resulting in a sharp increase of GSI before spawning |
['March'] |
Kestemont and Mélard, 2000 |
Perca flavescens |
March, but lacks evidence … |
['March'] |
Tansichuk and Mackay, 1989 |
Perca flavescens |
Increase regularly until December (10%) then from December to April |
['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'December'] |
June, 1977 |
Perca fluviatilis |
Steadily increase from August until April |
['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November'] |
Treasurer and Holliday, 1981 |
Perca fluviatilis |
Beginning of spring, GSI rapidly reached its maximum |
['April', 'May', 'June'] |
Sulistyo et al,1998 |
Perca fluviatilis |
The increase of temperature in March induces the completion of vitellogenesis, resulting in a sharp increase of GSI before spawning |
['March'] |
Kestemont and Mélard, 2000 |
Perca fluviatilis |
March-April |
['March', 'April'] |
Noaksson et al, 2004 |
Sander lucioperca |
Ovary growth takes place during the coolest season when the body growth ceases |
None |
Lappaleinen et al, 2003 |
Sander lucioperca |
Based on GSI graph, increases regularly between September to March, slight increase in March |
['January', 'February', 'March', 'September', 'October', 'November'] |
Poulet, 2004 |
Sander vitreus |
January-February |
['January', 'February'] |
Malison et al, 1994 |
Sander vitreus |
December-January |
['January', 'December'] |
Kestemont and Mélard, 2000 |
Sander vitreus |
Increase regularly from September until March, January ? |
['January', 'February', 'March', 'September', 'October', 'November'] |
Henderson et al, 1996 |
Sander vitreus |
November to December then increases slowly |
['November', 'December'] |
June, 1977 |
Coregonus lavaretus |
Mainly September-October [From July until December there was a progressive increase] |
['July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] |
Fuller et al, 1976 |
Coregonus lavaretus |
September-October |
['September', 'October'] |
Heese, 1990 |
Coregonus albula |
September-October |
['September', 'October'] |
Demska-Zakes and Dlugosz, 1995 |
Coregonus albula |
Gonadal development occurs mainly in summer |
['July', 'August', 'September'] |
Lahti and Muje, 1991 |
Coregonus albula |
Beginning in the middle of the year gonads develop faster for nominate form. For deepwater form, full maturity (stage V) is reached in April/May only shortly before spawning. |
['April', 'May'] |
Anwand, 1998 |
Coregonus albula |
As in Poland, the main period for ovary formation of vendace in lake Pyhäjârvi is late summer and early autumn |
['July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] |
Sarval and Helminen, 1995 |
Coregonus albula |
In the vendace of northeastern Poland intense egg growth and yolk accumulation have found to begin in late June-early July, and to last till the spanwing period, i.e. till November |
['June', 'July', 'November'] |
Wilkonska and Zuromska, 1988 |
Coregonus clupeaformis |
Fall [Decreasing daylength triggers final maturation] |
['October', 'November', 'December'] |
Rinchard et al, 2001 |
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha |
Final maturation and peak spawning occurs in September-October of the following year |
['September', 'October'] |
Macquarrie et al, 1979 |
Oncorhynchus kisutch |
In February-March for broodstock population cultured in a fish farm in Southern Chile |
['February', 'March'] |
Estay et all., 1998 |
Oncorhynchus mykiss |
GSI rose sharply from Mid-September to Mid-November = the rapid development phase [From up 6% to 15.3 ± 0.6%] |
['September', 'October', 'November'] |
Bon et al, 1999 |
Oncorhynchus mykiss |
September-October |
['September', 'October'] |
Billard and Breton, 1977 |
Oncorhynchus mykiss |
Based on GSI graph, mainly in November, but a slight increase then in February [The rate of increase in oocyte size was maximal between September and late November], with an ovulation in February |
['February', 'September', 'November'] |
Tyler et al, 1990 |
Salmo salar |
Mean GSI increased most markedly in February and March [In Tasmania, 6 months out-of-phase from northern hemisphere] |
['February', 'March'] |
King and Pankhurst, 2003 |
Salmo trutta fario |
From July until beginning of October |
['July', 'October'] |
Billard, 1987 |
Salvelinus alpinus |
The period with the most intensive vitellogenesis occurred in late July |
['July'] |
Frantzen et al, 1997 |
Salvelinus alpinus |
Growth in the size of the eggs occurred during the first half of July |
['July'] |
Grainger, 1953 |
Salvelinus alpinus |
In summer and the beginning of autumn, the achievements of grwoth and gametogenesis of Artic charr take place at temperatures higher than 5°C in natural environment |
['July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] |
Gillet, 1991 |
Salvelinus fontinalis |
August-Sepember |
['August'] |
Tam et al, 1986 |
Salvelinus fontinalis |
The secondary growth phase normally begins in early July, and is completed by mid-October |
['July', 'October'] |
Henderson, 1963 |
Salvelinus fontinalis |
July-August |
['July', 'August'] |
Wydoski and Cooper, 1966 |
Stenodus leucichthys |
July-August [From 7.8% to 18.3%] |
['July', 'August'] |
Chereshnev et al, 2000 |
Thymallus thymallus |
The most intense growth takes place as late as autumn and winter (September-March) |
['January', 'February', 'March', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] |
Witkowski et al, 1989 |
Ameiurus nebulosus |
Early May and late June (significantly increase) |
['May', 'June'] |
Rosenblum et al, 1987 |
Ameiurus nebulosus |
May |
['May'] |
Burke et al, 1984 |
Ictalurus punctatus |
April |
['April'] |
Mackenzie et al, 1989 |
Ictalurus punctatus |
A siginificant increase (148%) in April |
['April'] |
Banks et al, 1999 |
Ictalurus punctatus |
June |
['June'] |
Brauhn and McCraren, 1975 |
Ictalurus punctatus |
Second sharp increase of oocyte size from mid-February to May |
['February', 'March', 'April', 'May'] |
Pacoli et al, 1990 |
Ictalurus punctatus |
Beginning of May (In South and North Dakota) |
['May'] |
June, 1977 |
Silurus glanis |
Supplementary vitellogenesis took place in spring |
['April', 'May', 'June'] |
Wisniewolski, 1988 |