Cobitis paludica

  • Scientific name
  • Cobitis paludica (de Buen, 1930 )

  • Common name
  • Colmilleja (Sp)

  • Family
  • Cobitidae

  • External links
  • Fishbase
Trait completeness 56%
Total data37
Image of Cobitis paludica

Author: Fabrice Téletchéa
License: All rights reserved

Traits detail

Egg (29.0%)

Trait id Trait Primary data Secondary Data References
1 Oocyte diameter 1.278 ± 0.016 [Egg within the gonad]± 1.28 mm Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002
1 Oocyte diameter 1.00 [Average diameter of the largest oocyte in fully developed ovaries] 1.0 mm Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
2 Egg size after water-hardening Diameter of the chorion, mean 1.71 ± 0.08, range 1.53-1.86 1.71 mm Bohlen, 2000

Larvae (0.0%)

Trait id Trait Primary Data Secondary Data References

Female (83.0%)

Trait id Trait Primary Data Secondary Data References
15 Age at sexual maturity Beginning of 2 year [Both sex specified] 2.0 year Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002
15 Age at sexual maturity 2-3 [Most at 3, but some as 1, female] 2.5 year Soriguer et al, 2000
15 Age at sexual maturity 1 [12 months, age at maturation] 1.0 year Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
16 Length at sexual maturity 5.8-6.4 6.1 cm Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002
18 Female sexual dimorphism A change of coloration is observed only during spawning activity: the female became very intensely pigmented [This spawning coloration. This spawning coloration disappeared within a few hours after spawning activity Absent Bohlen, 2000
20 Absolute fecundity 1.235-1.986 The last for a female of 90 mm] 1.61 thousand eggs Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002
20 Absolute fecundity 1.100 [Average number of vitellogenic oocyes of mature females in a single spawning season] 1.1 thousand eggs Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
20 Absolute fecundity 0.4-1.1, up to 1.4 0.75 thousand eggs Perdices and Doadrio, 1977
21 Oocyte development Asynchornous, with oocytes in different stages of vitellogenesis, three maturation of yolky eggs in the population were detected Asynchronous Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002
22 Onset of oogenesis December-January ['January', 'December'] Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002
23 Intensifying oogenesis activity Greatest increase in Late March-Early April ['March', 'April'] Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002
24 Maximum GSI value 11.46 [April-June] 11.46 percent Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002
25 Oogenesis duration From December to April 6.0 months Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002
26 Resting period A period of quiescence of 3 month [September-November] 3.0 months Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002

Male (89.0%)

Trait id Trait Primary Data Secondary Data References
27 Age at sexual maturity Beginning of 2 year [Both sex specified] 2.0 years Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002
27 Age at sexual maturity 1-2 [Most at 2 and 3, male specified] 1.5 years Soriguer et al, 2000
28 Length at sexual maturity 48-53 50.5 cm Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002
30 Male sexual dimorphism Mature males exibit secondary sexual characters like the lamina circularis with a short manubrium, allowing external sex recognition Absent Perdices and Doadrio, 1977
30 Male sexual dimorphism A change of coloration is observed only during spawning activity: the male became pale [This spawning coloration. This spawning coloration disappeared within a few hours after spawning activity Absent Bohlen, 2000
31 Onset of spermatogenesis Early October ['October'] Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002
32 Main spermatogenesis activity Greatest increase in March ['March'] Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002
33 Maximum GSI value 1.52% [April-June] 1.52 percent Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002
34 Spermatogenesis duration From October to April 7.0 months Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002
35 Resting period Short quiescence period [August-September] 3.0 months Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002

Spawning conditions (53.0%)

Trait id Trait Primary Data Secondary Data References
39 Spawning season Late March to early July ['March', 'July'] Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002
39 Spawning season Starts in May throughout July ['May', 'July'] Perdices and Doadrio, 1977
40 Spawning period duration 12 [3.00 months, length of breeding season] 12.0 weeks Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
44 Spawning substrate Dense vegetation Phytophils Bohlen, 2000
45 Spawning site preparation Zygotes are placed in a special habitat (e.g. scattered on vegetation, or buried in gravel) Susbtrate chooser Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002
47 Mating system All males in the tank followed the female, the female penetrated into dense vegetation, spotted and one male embraced the female. The female started swimming and the circle began again, often with another male embracing the female No category Bohlen, 2000
48 Spawning release Multiple spawner or batch spawner: two batches per year per females Multiple Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002
48 Spawning release Multiple spawning have been suggested also for C. paludicola Multiple Marconato and Rasotto, 1989
49 Parity Iteroparous [Adult specimens have no more than two or three reproductive years] Iteroparous Perdices and Doadrio, 1977
50 Parental care No parental protection of zygotes, embryo and larvae No care Vila-Gispert and Moreno-Amich, 2002