Anguilla anguilla |
Females are larger than males |
Absent |
Vollestad and Jonsson, 1986 |
Alosa alosa |
Female grow faster than males |
Absent |
Maitland and Hatton-Ellis, 2000 |
Alosa alosa |
Females grow faster and mature later than males |
Absent |
Aprahamian et al, 2001 |
Alosa fallax |
Female are usually older and bigger than males |
Absent |
Bensettiti and Gaudillat, 2002 |
Alosa fallax |
Females were larger and heavier than males |
Absent |
Lopez et al, 2007 |
Aphanius iberus |
Males mature before famles, but females were larger than males |
Absent |
Fernandez-Delgado et al, 1988 |
Barbatula barbatula |
In many fish, the pectoral fin is relatively long and pointed in the male and round and short in the female. In most adult fish, but not all, the male pectoral fin was longer than that of the female; the distinction is therefore a useful but not infaillible means of determining sex from external examination. Immature fish could not be separate by this way. In the breeding season, no change of colour in either sex has been seen but small papillae, present on the pectoral fins of only male fish, have been found |
Absent |
Smyly, 1955 |
Cobitis taenia |
The sexual dimorphism in size between males and females was evident |
Absent |
Marconato and Rasotto, 1989 |
Cobitis taenia |
No |
Absent |
Bohlen, 2000 |
Cobitis paludica |
A change of coloration is observed only during spawning activity: the female became very intensely pigmented [This spawning coloration. This spawning coloration disappeared within a few hours after spawning activity |
Absent |
Bohlen, 2000 |
Abramis brama |
Compared to males, females have their breeding tubercles poorer developped, occupying a much smaller area |
Present |
Witkowski and Rogowska, 1991 |
Alburnoides bipunctatus |
Some females display nuptial tubercules |
Present |
Spillmann, 1961 |
Alburnoides bipunctatus |
Snout longer |
Absent |
Coad, 2005 |
Aristichthys nobilis |
External sexual dimorphism can be determined by examining the pectoral fins. In the male, these fins have a sharp edge along the dorsal surface of several front rays, whereas in the female this characteristic is absent. This secondary sexual characteristic of the male is formed before maturity, and once formed, persists throughout its lifetime. |
Absent |
Jennigs, 1988 |
Aristichthys nobilis |
Pectoral fin is smooth |
Absent |
Naca, 1989 |
Aspius aspius |
Sex was not determined, as this was impossible without harming the fish, especially in the post-spawing season |
Absent |
Fredrich, 2003 |
Barbus barbus |
The difference in age at first spawing betwen males and females is 3-4 years |
Absent |
Lobon-Cervia and Fernandez-Delgado, 1984 |
Carassius carassius |
The head and scales develop tubercules in the epithelium |
Absent |
Holopainen, 1997 |
Carassius carassius |
During the spawning season, both males and females developped small tubercles in the epithelium when ready to spawn. At both sites some sexual dimorphism was observed. In males, the tubercles were most abundant, covering both head and body, but in females they were limited to the head region only. Nearly all ripe male crucian carps had tubercles. At the beginning of the reproudction period, tubercles covered only the head (forehead and operculum); but a few days later they were found on the body as well. In female fish the tubercles were found only on teh head and tuberculum. by the end of the ripe period tubercles were absent in both sexes |
Absent |
Aho and Holopainen, 2000 |
Chondrostoma nasus |
Pigmentation is more pronounced |
Present |
Spillmann, 1961 |
Chondrostoma nasus |
Breeding tubercles on head |
Present |
Witkowski and Rogowska, 1991 |
Chondrostoma nasus |
Females in Fischa River. In smaller females (348 mm SL), the tubercles on the head run forward in a single row from about the dorsal margin of the anterior part of the operculum above the eye to the nasal opening. Larger specimens (370-409 mm SL) have larger breeding tubercles which additionally occur on the dorsal part of the operculum and on the dorsal part of the head. Females in Danube. Females exceeding 396 mm SL may also bear a few tubercles on the snout |
Present |
Ahnelt and Keckeis, 1994 |
Chondrostoma toxostoma |
Does not seem to present any sexual dimorphims |
Present |
Internet |
Ctenopharyngodon idella |
Females may also develop deciduous tubercles, but thay are not as highly developped as in the males. Females exhibit soft, bulging abdomens and swollen, pinkish vents at onset of maturity |
Present |
Cudmore and Mandrak, 2004 |
Ctenopharyngodon idella |
Females also have pearl organs, although they are not as higlhy developed as in males. When fully ripe, females exhibit soft bulging abdomens ans swollen pinkish vents |
Present |
Shireman and Smith, 1983 |
Ctenopharyngodon idella |
The pectoral fins are thin and short, spreading out spontaneously like a fan. No pearl organs appear |
Absent |
Naca, 1989 |
Cyprinus carpio |
For female carp, they include the softening and enlargement of the abdomen and the reddening and protrusion of the cloaca |
Present |
Smith, 2004 |
Gobio gobio |
Tubercles are present mostly on the head, and in the largest individuals also on scales of back |
Present |
Witkowski and Rogowska, 1991 |
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix |
Pectoral fin is smooth |
Absent |
Naca, 1989 |
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix |
The females can be distinguished from males by the absence of serrations on the inner surface of pectoral fin rays |
Present |
Esmaeili et al, 2005 |
Leucaspius delineatus |
Females have a unique fold of skin in the shape of two, large rounded papilla around the genital opening |
Present |
Coad, 2005 |
Leucaspius delineatus |
Females have three small bulges near anus |
Absent |
Bonislawska et al, 1999 |
Mylopharyngodon piceus |
The pectoral fins are thin and short, spreading out spontaneously like a fan. No pearl organs appear |
Absent |
Naca, 1989 |
Phoxinus phoxinus |
Bright colors |
Absent |
Spillmann, 1961 |
Phoxinus phoxinus |
Breeding tubercles are located mostly in the posterior body part |
Present |
Witkowski and Rogowska, 1991 |
Phoxinus phoxinus |
The ventral side becomes intensively red |
Absent |
Papadopol and Weinberger, 1975 |
Phoxinus phoxinus |
Numerous pearly tubercles, few tubercles may occur on sides of the body, frequently dark coloration of body, widened anus, pectoral, ventral and anal fins slightly reddened at their bases |
Present |
Heese, 1984 |
Phoxinus phoxinus |
Some females can display bright colours |
Present |
Kestemont and Mélard, 1994 |
Pseudorasbora parva |
Horny pads on the jaws |
Absent |
Coad, 2005 |
Pseudorasbora parva |
The female becomes clearly lighter |
Absent |
Witkowski, 2006 |
Rhodeus sericeus |
Long ovipositors that they use to place their eggs onto the gills of a mussel trough the mussel'sexhalant siphon |
Absent |
Smith et al, 2004 |
Rhodeus sericeus |
Female develops a conduit ovipository by which it deposits its ovules between the gills of the bivalve |
Absent |
Fishbase, 2006 |
Rhodeus sericeus |
Females use their long ovipositors to force eggs throught the exhalant siphon into the gills of the museel host |
Absent |
Mills and Reynolds, 2002 |
Rutilus rutilus |
Tubercules cover both head, body sides and fins only in largest specimens |
Absent |
Witkowski and Rogowska, 1991 |
Tinca tinca |
No |
Absent |
Spillmann, 1961 |
Tinca tinca |
Diploid females have soft pelvic fins, not reaching the anus |
Absent |
Linhart and Billard, 1995 |
Vimba vimba |
Females may also develop tubercules but to a lesser extent |
Absent |
Coad, 2005 |
Vimba vimba |
As a rule, the females are slightly larger than males of the same age |
Absent |
Kuliev, 1988 |
Gambusia affinis |
A small pigmented spot dorsal to the anus occurs in female poecilliid fishes before they are matured. As they become mature and gravid, the spot becomes larger reaching its maximum size shortly before the birth of the brrod. This prigmented spot is referred to as the "gravid spot". After the brrod is born, the gravid spot recedes, but there is never a complete loss of the pigmented mass. |
Absent |
Medlen, 1951 |
Esox masquinongy |
Female are typically larger than males |
Absent |
Wynne, 2006 |
Esox niger |
Females appear to grow faster and live longer |
Absent |
Anonymous, 2006 |
Esox niger |
Female fish grow faster and larger than males. Females also mature sooner and live longer than males |
Absent |
Wynne, 2006 |
Esox lucius |
In the female, there is a protuberance between the urogenital pore and the anus which does not exist in the male |
Present |
Billard, 1996 |
Esox lucius |
Female pike tend to live longer and attain heavier weights than male fish |
Absent |
Kerr and Grant, 1999 |
Lota lota |
Females reach maturity at a lesser weight than males, possibly younger |
Absent |
Hewson, 1955 |
Micropterus dolomieui |
The female developed a pattern of dark vertical bars on her side that remained throughout both phases. This feature was used to distinguish between both sexes |
Absent |
Ridgway et al, 1989 |
Micropterus salmoides |
In female the genital papilla is elliptical or pear shaped |
Present |
Heidinger, 1976 |
Micropterus salmoides |
Female have a pear-shaped or elliptical opening, also gravid female can be recognized by the distended belly and inflamented vent prior to spawning |
Absent |
Newburg, 1975 |
Micropterus salmoides |
The urogenital opening in female is elliptical or pearshaped, obviously distended and soft abdomen |
Present |
Williamson et al, 1993 |
Micropterus salmoides |
A gravid female can readily be determined by the distention of the ovarian region of the abdomen and by the swollenn ibflamed vent- immediatly before spawning. No method of distinguishing a ripe male from an unripe, pporly developed, or sterile male or female has been described to date |
Present |
Snow, 1963 |
Dicentrarchus labrax |
Normally, males are smaller than females at the time of firts maturity, although there is no clear sexual dimorphism |
Absent |
Rodriguez et al, 2001 |
Morone americana |
No external characteristics have been found that help to differentiate between the two sexes, except during the spawning season. At that time, females are recognized, if gravid, by their widely distended abdomens, by the loss of eggs, if ripe, when light pressure is exerted |
Present |
Mansuetti, 1961 |
Morone chrysops |
Urinary and genital pores are seperated in females |
Present |
Internet, 2005 |
Perca flavescens |
Females less highly coloured |
Present |
Scott and Crossman, 1973 |
Perca flavescens |
Females generally grow faster than males and reach a greater final length |
Absent |
Anonymous, 2006 Chapter 3 |
Perca fluviatilis |
Gravid females in spring are distinct due to their swollen appearance and slight protusion of the genital orifice |
Present |
Thorpe, 1977 |
Sander lucioperca |
During the spawning season, female display a white belly compared to male |
Present |
Spillmann, 1961 |
Sander lucioperca |
The genital papilla protrudes more strongly in the female than in mal |
Present |
Deeler and Willemsen, 1964 |
Sander vitreus |
No |
Absent |
Colby et al, 1979 |
Sander vitreus |
Females typically grow much larger than males |
Absent |
Kerr and Grant, 1999 |
Sander vitreus |
Females tend to grow faster than males |
Absent |
Anonymous, 2006 Chapter 3 |
Coregonus clupeaformis |
Sexual dimoprhism is minimal |
Absent |
Willson, 1997 |
Coregonus clupeaformis |
No change for female |
Absent |
Mack and Billard, 1984 |
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha |
Morphological changes are minor in mature females but they show the same color changes as males |
Absent |
Groot, 1996 |
Salmo salar |
Female change colour and shape :become tusty-brown on the sides and yellowish brown on th back and head |
Present |
Groot, 1996 |
Salvelinus fontinalis |
The female are less bright than males and have swollen abdomens full of ripening eggs |
Present |
Groot, 1996 |
Stenodus leucichthys |
The inconnu exhibits little external difference between the sexes, although females can be slightly bigger than same-age males |
Absent |
Willson, 1997 |
Thymallus thymallus |
Distinguished from the males by their pale colour pattern |
Present |
Darchambeau and Poncin, 1997 |
Ictalurus punctatus |
Female retain the general appereance of juveniles except for the larger abdomen related to the increase of ovarian size |
Present |
Grizzle, 1985 |
Osmerus eperlanus |
Females grow faster than males |
Absent |
Buckley, 1989 |