Trait completeness | 78% |
Total data | 153 |
References | 20 |
Author: Fabrice Téletchéa
License: All rights reserved
Trait id | Trait | Primary data | Secondary Data | References |
1 | Oocyte diameter | 1.2-1.4 x 0.8-1.0 [Just spawned eggs] | 1.3 mm | Makeyeva and Mokamed, 1982 |
1 | Oocyte diameter | 1.2 | 1.2 mm | Rossechi et al, 2001a |
1 | Oocyte diameter | 1.18 | 1.18 mm | Rosecchi et al, 2001 |
1 | Oocyte diameter | 0.13-1.6 | 0.86 mm | Záhorská and Kováč, 2009 |
1 | Oocyte diameter | 0.11-0.46 | 0.29 mm | Zhu et al, 2014 |
2 | Egg size after water-hardening | 1.30-1.65 x 1.15-1.30 [After swelling] | 1.48 mm | Makeyeva and Mokamed, 1982 |
2 | Egg size after water-hardening | 1.3-1.5 or 2-2.5 [Not specified] | 1.4 mm | Bruslé and Quignard, 2001 |
2 | Egg size after water-hardening | 2-2.5 [Not specified] | 2.25 mm | Coad, 2005 |
2 | Egg size after water-hardening | Ellipsoidal (major diameter 2.0-2.5 mm), yellowish | 2.25 mm | Witkowski, 2006 |
2 | Egg size after water-hardening | 0.65-0.15 | 0.4 mm | Britton et al, 2007 |
Trait id | Trait | Primary Data | Secondary Data | References |
8 | Initial larval size | 4-4.5 | 4.25 mm | Bruslé and Quignard, 2001 |
8 | Initial larval size | 4.5-5 | 4.75 mm | Makeyeva and Mokamed, 1982 |
8 | Initial larval size | 4.7-5.5 | 5.1 mm | Pinder, 2005 |
8 | Initial larval size | 4.1-3 | 3.55 mm | Zhu et al, 2018 |
8 | Initial larval size | 4.7-5.5 | 5.1 mm | Pinder, 2005 |
9 | Larvae behaviour | After hatching the prolarvae swim actively in jerks | Demersal | Makeyeva and Mokamed, 1982 |
9 | Larvae behaviour | benthic for the first 3 days, pelagic thereafter | Pelagic | Pinder, 2005 |
10 | Reaction to light | Their reaction to light is positive | Photopositive | Makeyeva and Mokamed, 1982 |
11 | Temperature during larval development | 23-28 | 25.5 °C | Makeyeva and Mokamed, 1982 |
11 | Temperature during larval development | Reared at 20°C | 20.0 °C | Pinder, 2005 |
Trait id | Trait | Primary Data | Secondary Data | References |
15 | Age at sexual maturity | 1 [Sex not precised] | 1.0 year | Bruslé and Quignard, 2001 |
15 | Age at sexual maturity | 1-2 [Sex not specified] | 1.5 year | Rossechi et al, 2001 |
15 | Age at sexual maturity | 1 [Not specified] | 1.0 year | Fishbase, 2006 |
15 | Age at sexual maturity | Spawns when one year old | 1.0 year | Witkowski, 2006 |
15 | Age at sexual maturity | In their second year of life (sex not specified) | 2.0 year | Boltachev et al, 2006 |
16 | Length at sexual maturity | The length of sexually mature females varied between 3.5-6 cm, they were considerably smaller in the Amur | 4.75 cm | Makeyeva and Mokamed, 1982 |
16 | Length at sexual maturity | 7.5 | 7.5 cm | Rosecchi et al, 2001 |
16 | Length at sexual maturity | When it reaches length of 30 mm (sex not specified) | 30.0 cm | Boltachev et al, 2006 |
16 | Length at sexual maturity | The mean (± SD) total length of fish captured in April and used in the experiment was 6.6 ± 0.3 cm (n=68, range 6.0-7.4) for males | 6.6 cm | Katano and Maekawa, 1997 |
17 | Weight at sexual maturity | 0.6-4.2 g | 2.4 kg | Bruslé and Quignard, 2001 |
Trait id | Trait | Primary Data | Secondary Data | References |
27 | Age at sexual maturity | 1-2 [Sex not specified] | 1.5 years | Rossechi et al, 2001 |
27 | Age at sexual maturity | 1 [Not specified] | 1.0 years | Fishbase, 2006 |
27 | Age at sexual maturity | 1 [Both sex] | 1.0 years | Rosecchi et al, 2001 |
27 | Age at sexual maturity | The fish is sexually dimorphic with males larger than females and reaches maturity at the age of one to two years | 1.0 years | Katano and Maekawa, 1997 |
28 | Length at sexual maturity | Mature males used were 5.95 ± 0.95 cm | 5.95 cm | Konishi and Takata, 2004 |
28 | Length at sexual maturity | The mean (± SD) total length of fish captured in April and used in the experiment was 7.9 ± 0.5 cm (n=68, range 7.0-8.9) for males | 7.9 cm | Katano and Maekawa, 1997 |
29 | Weight at sexual maturity | Mature males used were 3.76 ± 1.77 g | 3.76 kg | Konishi and Takata, 2004 |
30 | Male sexual dimorphism | Male are darker than females and the flank has a metallic violet sheen, horny pad developps on the jaws, sharp tubercules | Present | Coad, 2005 |
30 | Male sexual dimorphism | The sharp tubercules on the head of males during spawning time serve as protection | Absent | Makeyeva and Mokamed, 1982 |
30 | Male sexual dimorphism | The sexual dimorphism becomes pronounced during spawning. In males breeding tubercles appear on the head. The greatest accumulation of sharp tubercles is located in the anterior part of the head, on the frons, near nostrils and below and above the eye. Few tubercles are observed also on the lower lip. In that period the males darken distinctly, and their fins become black while the operculum gets violet | Absent | Witkowski, 2006 |
Trait id | Trait | Primary Data | Secondary Data | References |
36 | Spawning migration distance | No migration | No data | Agence de l'eau, |
39 | Spawning season | April-August | ['April', 'August'] | Coad, 2005 |
39 | Spawning season | April-July | ['April', 'July'] | Bruslé and Quignard, 2001 |
39 | Spawning season | May-June | ['May', 'June'] | Makeyeva and Mokamed, 1982 |
39 | Spawning season | April to June | ['April', 'May', 'June'] | Rossechi et al, 2001 |
39 | Spawning season | April to June | ['April', 'May', 'June'] | Fishbase, 2006 |
39 | Spawning season | April-July | ['April', 'July'] | Rosecchi et al, 2001 |
39 | Spawning season | In the Amur basin the spawning is in May-August, whereas it spawns earlier: in April-June | ['April', 'May', 'June', 'August'] | Witkowski, 2006 |
39 | Spawning season | Apparently, the mass spawning of stone mroco in Kuchki pond happened in the second half of May or in June. The stone moroco spawns from late May to July in Ukraine, and from the end of June to the beginning of August in the basin of the Amur | ['May', 'June', 'July', 'August'] | Boltachev et al, 2006 |
39 | Spawning season | In Japan, the spawning season lasts from April to August | ['April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August'] | Katano and Maekawa, 1997 |