Male - Main spermatogenesis activity


Species Primary Data Secondary Data Reference
Aphanius iberus April-May ['April', 'May'] Vargas and De Sostoa, 1997
Aphanius iberus March-April ['March', 'April'] Fernandez-Delgado et al, 1988
Valencia hispanica January ['January'] Caiola et al, 2001
Barbatula barbatula August ['August'] Saat et al, 2003
Cobitis taenia April-May ['April', 'May'] Marconato and Rasotto, 1989
Cobitis paludica Greatest increase in March ['March'] Oliva-Paterna et al, 2002
Alburnoides bipunctatus From January [2.5, n=3] until April [10, n=16] ['January', 'April'] Yildirim et al, 1999
Aspius aspius December to March ['January', 'February', 'March', 'December'] Kompowski et Neja, 2004
Barbus barbus April-May ['April', 'May'] Lobon-Cervia and Fernandez-Delgado, 1984
Ctenopharyngodon idella The relative gonad weight of mature males and females increase during spring, reach maxima just prior to spawning in June and July, then decrease progressively from august to October ['April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'October'] Shireman and Smith, 1983
Cyprinus carpio August-September, then increase slowly until March ['March', 'August', 'September'] Crivelli, 1981
Cyprinus carpio January in Australia ['January'] Smith and Walker, 2004
Gobio gobio May and mid-June ['May', 'June'] Kestemond, 1989
Gobio gobio Increased rapidly in size just prior to spawning in late May and early June ['May', 'June'] Mann, 1980
Leuciscus cephalus End of February and March ['February', 'March'] Guerriero et al, 2005
Leuciscus cephalus Around March ['March'] Sasi, 2003
Leuciscus cephalus March, but increase quite regularly between September to May ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'September', 'October', 'November'] Mann, 1976
Leuciscus cephalus March-April ['March', 'April'] Poncin et al, 1989
Leuciscus cephalus April ['April'] Erdogan et al, 2002
Leuciscus idus In November, the colour of testes changes from red to whitish, which is indicative of the presence of spermatozoans ['November'] Witkowski et al, 1997
Leuciscus leuciscus October-November ['October', 'November'] Mann, 1974
Phoxinus phoxinus March ['March'] Mills, 1987
Rutilus rutilus February ['February'] Escaffre and Billard, 1976
Rutilus rutilus February-Beginning of March ['February', 'March'] Mann, 1973
Rutilus rutilus Increase regularly from October to April, slight increase in February-March ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'October', 'November'] Tarkan et al, 2006
Scardinius erythrophthalmus April ['April'] Shikhshabekov, 1979
Scardinius erythrophthalmus Increase regularly during tyhe winter until 4% in April, then rise sharply in April ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April'] Tarkan et al, 2006
Tinca tinca May-June (Increase regularly) ['May', 'June'] Breton et al, 1980
Tinca tinca GSI increase from 0.5 to 1.6 in June ['June'] Linhart and Billard, 1995
Tinca tinca Vitellogenesis commenced in May. In Kiev reseroivr vitellogenesis commenced in May in all tench females. In a fish pond in Golyszk, yolk accumulated in the oocytes as early as February and a little later (march) in Lake Dgal Wielki ['February', 'May'] Pimpicka, 1989
Tinca tinca April-May ['April', 'May'] Kubu and Kouril, 1985
Gambusia affinis Mid-May to early June [Increase from 0.9-3.2%] ['May', 'June'] Koya and Iwase, 2004
Esox lucius September-October ['September', 'October'] Lenhardt, 1992
Esox lucius October-November ['October', 'November'] Souchon, 1983
Esox lucius September-October [Spermatogenesis occurs under decreasing photoperiod and in a temperature of 10-20°C] ['September', 'October'] Billard, 1996
Esox lucius October, then the mature phase lasts from December until the spawn ['October', 'December'] Lenhardt and Cakic, 2002
Esox lucius Stage III, stage of maturity : December to March/April ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'December'] Hoffmann et al, 1980
Esox lucius September October ['September', 'October'] Treasurer, 1990
Lota lota October-November ['October', 'November'] Pulliainen and Korhonen, 1990
Gasterosteus aculeatus March-April ['March', 'April'] Copp et al, 2002
Gasterosteus aculeatus In October the testes are to a large extent filled with spermatocytes and spermatids. Sepermatogenesis is completed in November-January ['January', 'October', 'November'] Borg, 1982
Gasterosteus aculeatus September. In most of the males, spermatogenesis was complete in December, but the spermatozoawere not yet ready to be released ['September', 'December'] Sokolowska and Sokolowska, 2006
Pungitius pungitius March-April ['March', 'April'] Copp et al, 2002
Pungitius pungitius Based on GSI graph: strong increase between July and August and then remained relativelt constant ['July', 'August'] Sokolowska and Skora, 2002
Lepomis gibbosus May ['May'] Burns, 1976
Micropterus salmoides Initial gonadal growth occurred between January and April ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April'] Rosenblum et al, 1994
Micropterus salmoides January-February ['January', 'February'] Bennett and Gibbons, 1975
Micropterus salmoides May-June ['May', 'June'] Beamish et al, 2005
Dicentrarchus labrax October-November [In Arcachon] ['October', 'November'] Prat et al. (1990) General And Comparative Endocrinology 78, 361-373
Dicentrarchus labrax January-February [in Arcachon] ['January', 'February'] Zohar et al, 1984
Dicentrarchus labrax January-February [In Arcachon, France], October-November [In Sète, France], October-November [Tunisia] ['January', 'February', 'October', 'November'] Barnabé, 1980
Dicentrarchus labrax December ['December'] Gonzalez and Piferrer, 2003
Dicentrarchus labrax December ['December'] Rodriguez et al, 2004
Dicentrarchus labrax December-January ['January', 'December'] Rodriguez et al, 2005
Morone americana Two different months: November then March ['March', 'November'] Jackson and Sullivan, 1995
Morone americana Mature-spawning ripe. Testes white, enlarged, less firm in texture, and if compressed the white milt generally coms through the urogenital pore (October to May) ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'October', 'November'] Mansuetti, 1961
Morone chrysops September, and then in April ['April', 'September'] Ruelle, 1977
Morone saxatilis GSI increased rapidly from December to April, mainly December to February in reared conditions ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'December'] Holland et al, 2000
Gymnocephalus cernua The peak of the spring wave of spermatogenesis, is observed annually under natural conditions, in late May, when all phases of spermatogenesis, from the reprodcution of spermatogonia to the formationof new ripe spermatozoids, are found in cysts of the testes. ['April', 'May', 'June'] Butskaya, 1981
Perca flavescens August: one month ['August'] Tansichuk and Mackay, 1989
Perca fluviatilis September-October, then decrease slightly until spawning and remain at about 5% during winter ['January', 'February', 'March', 'September', 'October'] Treasurer and Holliday, 1981
Perca fluviatilis September ['September'] Sulistyo et al, 2000
Perca fluviatilis September-October, then remain at this size during winter until spring ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'September', 'October'] Le Cren, 1951
Sander vitreus March [Also very important in September] ['March', 'September'] Malison et al, 1994
Sander vitreus Mostly August-september then remained slowly decreased until March, slight increase ['March', 'August'] Henderson et al, 1996
Coregonus lavaretus August and September ['August', 'September'] Fuller et al, 1976
Coregonus lavaretus September-October ['September', 'October'] Heese, 1990
Coregonus albula In October the spermiogenesis was more intensive, but could also occur in September ['September', 'October'] Dlugosz and Worniallo, 1985
Coregonus albula Beginning in the middle of the year gonads develop faster for nominate form. For deepwater form, full maturity (stage V) is reached in April/May only shortly before spawning. ['April', 'May'] Anwand, 1998
Coregonus clupeaformis Fall [Decreasing daylength triggers final maturation] ['October', 'November', 'December'] Rinchard et al, 2001
Oncorhynchus kisutch In February-March [For broodstock population cultured in fish farm in southern Chile] ['February', 'March'] Estay et al, 1998
Oncorhynchus mykiss 2 None Groot, 1996
Oncorhynchus mykiss September-October ['September', 'October'] Ya-yi et al, 2001
Salmo trutta fario From July until September, spermatogenetic activity was highest ['July', 'August', 'September'] Billard, 1987
Salvelinus fontinalis June-July ['June', 'July'] Wydoski and Cooper, 1966
Thymallus thymallus August then remained almost constant during the winter ['January', 'February', 'March', 'August'] Witkowski et al, 1989
Ameiurus nebulosus Early May and late June ['May', 'June'] Rosenblum et al, 1987
Ameiurus nebulosus Mid-April-Mid-May ['April', 'May'] Burke et al, 1984
Silurus glanis September ['September'] Zholdasova and Guseva, 1987
Silurus glanis March-April and May ['March', 'April', 'May'] Alp et al, 2004