Kamler and Wolnicki, 2006


Kamler, E. and Wolincki, J. (2006) The biological background for the production of stocking material of 11 European rheophilic cyprinids. A review. Arch. Hydrobio. Suppl. 158/4, pp. 4

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Alburnus alburnus Egg Egg size after water-hardening 1.5 [Not specified] 1.5 mm
Alburnus alburnus Egg Temperature for incubation Viable range 14-31 22.5 °C
Alburnus alburnus Larvae Temperature during larval development Reared at 20-25°C 22.5 °C
Alburnus alburnus Spawning conditions Spawning season June-July ['June', 'July']
Alburnus alburnus Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 14-28 21.0 °C
Aspius aspius Egg Egg size after water-hardening 2.0 [Not specified] 2.0 mm
Aspius aspius Egg Temperature for incubation Viable range 7-17, threshold temperature at which ontogeny is theoretically arrested: 6.8 12.0 °C
Aspius aspius Larvae Temperature during larval development Reared at 25-26°C 25.5 °C
Aspius aspius Spawning conditions Spawning season March-May ['March', 'May']
Aspius aspius Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 5-12 8.5 °C
Barbus barbus Egg Egg size after water-hardening 2.9 [Not specified] 2.9 mm
Barbus barbus Egg Temperature for incubation Viable range 16-20.5, threshold temperature at which ontogeny is theoretically arrested: 12.1 18.25 °C
Barbus barbus Larvae Temperature during larval development Reared at 17-26 21.5 °C
Barbus barbus Spawning conditions Spawning season May-July (August) ['May', 'June', 'July', 'August']
Barbus barbus Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 15-18 16.5 °C
Chondrostoma nasus Egg Egg size after water-hardening 2.8 [Not specified] 2.8 mm
Chondrostoma nasus Egg Temperature for incubation Viable range 8-20, threshold temperature at which ontogeny is theoretically arrested: 8.8 14.0 °C
Chondrostoma nasus Larvae Temperature during larval development Reared at 19-25 22.0 °C
Chondrostoma nasus Spawning conditions Spawning season March-April ['March', 'April']
Chondrostoma nasus Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 8-12 10.0 °C
Gobio gobio Egg Egg size after water-hardening 1.5 [Not specified] 1.5 mm
Gobio gobio Spawning conditions Spawning season (April) May-June ['April', 'May', 'June']
Gobio gobio Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 12-17 14.5 °C
Leuciscus cephalus Egg Egg size after water-hardening 2.0 [Not specified] 2.0 mm
Leuciscus cephalus Egg Temperature for incubation Viable range 16-30 23.0 °C
Leuciscus cephalus Larvae Temperature during larval development Reared at 19-25 22.0 °C
Leuciscus cephalus Spawning conditions Spawning season May-June ['May', 'June']
Leuciscus cephalus Spawning conditions Spawning temperature >18 18.0 °C
Leuciscus idus Egg Egg size after water-hardening 1.8 [Not specified] 1.8 mm
Leuciscus idus Egg Temperature for incubation Viable range 6-25, threshold temperature at which ontogeny is theoretically arrested: 5.9 15.5 °C
Leuciscus idus Larvae Temperature during larval development Reared at 20-25 22.5 °C
Leuciscus idus Spawning conditions Spawning season April-May ['April', 'May']
Leuciscus idus Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 6-10 8.0 °C
Leuciscus leuciscus Egg Egg size after water-hardening 2.0 [Not specified] 2.0 mm
Leuciscus leuciscus Egg Temperature for incubation Viable range 4-17.5, threshold temperature at which ontogeny is theoretically arrested: 5.1 10.75 °C
Leuciscus leuciscus Larvae Temperature during larval development Reared at 16-25 20.5 °C
Leuciscus leuciscus Spawning conditions Spawning season (February) March-May ['February', 'March', 'May']
Leuciscus leuciscus Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 6-13 9.5 °C
Phoxinus phoxinus Egg Egg size after water-hardening 1.6 [Not specified] 1.6 mm
Phoxinus phoxinus Larvae Temperature during larval development Reared at 20 20.0 °C
Phoxinus phoxinus Spawning conditions Spawning season May-August ['May', 'August']
Phoxinus phoxinus Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 11-22 16.5 °C
Vimba vimba Egg Egg size after water-hardening 2.0 [Not specified] 2.0 mm
Vimba vimba Egg Temperature for incubation Viable range 10-24, threshold temperature at which ontogeny is theoretically arrested: 10.1 17.0 °C
Vimba vimba Larvae Temperature during larval development Reared at 25°C 25.0 °C
Vimba vimba Spawning conditions Spawning season May-June ['May', 'June']
Vimba vimba Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 14-18 16.0 °C