Rinchard, 1996


No detailed citation.

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Anguilla anguilla Female Oocyte development Synchronous Synchronous
Anguilla anguilla Spawning conditions Spawning release Total spawner, only once Total
Anguilla anguilla Spawning conditions Parity Semelparous Semelparous
Barbatula barbatula Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Blicca bjoerkna Egg Oocyte diameter 1-1.5 1.25 mm
Blicca bjoerkna Egg Egg adhesiveness Stick to plants Adhesive
Blicca bjoerkna Egg Incubation time 10-15 12.5 days
Blicca bjoerkna Female Age at sexual maturity 2-4 [Sex not specified] 3.0 year
Blicca bjoerkna Female Absolute fecundity 11-82 46.5 thousand eggs
Blicca bjoerkna Male Age at sexual maturity 2-4 [Sex not specified] 3.0 years
Blicca bjoerkna Male Male sexual dimorphism Nuptial tubercules all over the body and first rays of pectoral fins Present
Blicca bjoerkna Spawning conditions Spawning season May-June ['May', 'June']
Blicca bjoerkna Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 16-17 16.5 °C
Blicca bjoerkna Spawning conditions Spawning substrate Phytophil : plants Phytophils
Blicca bjoerkna Spawning conditions Spawning release Three to four batches of eggs in few days Multiple
Abramis brama Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Abramis brama Spawning conditions Spawning release Once Total
Alburnoides bipunctatus Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Alburnoides bipunctatus Spawning conditions Spawning release Multiple spawning Multiple
Alburnus alburnus Egg Oocyte diameter 1.5 1.5 mm
Alburnus alburnus Egg Egg adhesiveness Adhesive Adhesive
Alburnus alburnus Egg Incubation time 15-20 17.5 days
Alburnus alburnus Larvae Initial larval size 2-4 3.0 mm
Alburnus alburnus Female Age at sexual maturity 2-3 [Sex not precised] 2.5 year
Alburnus alburnus Female Absolute fecundity 0.5-5.7 3.1 thousand eggs
Alburnus alburnus Male Age at sexual maturity 2-3 [Sex not precised] 2.5 years
Alburnus alburnus Male Male sexual dimorphism During reproduction, males bears nuptial tubercules on back and sides. Besides, during that period inferior fins are orange at their bases Present
Alburnus alburnus Spawning conditions Spawning season April-June ['April', 'June']
Alburnus alburnus Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 15 15.0 °C
Alburnus alburnus Spawning conditions Spawning depth Shallow waters No data
Alburnus alburnus Spawning conditions Spawning substrate Phyto-lithophil: plants, roots, gravels Lithophils
Alburnus alburnus Spawning conditions Spawning release Several spawing during the reproduction season Multiple
Carassius auratus Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Carassius carassius Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Carassius carassius Spawning conditions Spawning release Multiple Multiple
Chondrostoma nasus Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Cyprinus carpio Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Gobio gobio Egg Egg adhesiveness Slightly adhesive Adhesive
Gobio gobio Egg Degree-days for incubation 125.0 125.0 °C * day
Gobio gobio Larvae Initial larval size 4.5-5.5 5.0 mm
Gobio gobio Female Absolute fecundity 0.5-15 7.75 thousand eggs
Gobio gobio Female Oocyte development Between group-synchronous and synchronous Group-synchronous
Gobio gobio Male Male sexual dimorphism During the spawning season, male bears nuptial tubercules on head and opercules Present
Gobio gobio Spawning conditions Spawning season Mid-April until End of August, with a peak in May-June ['April', 'May', 'June', 'August']
Gobio gobio Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 14-17 15.5 °C
Gobio gobio Spawning conditions Spawning substrate Psmanophil: sand or gravels Lithophils
Gobio gobio Spawning conditions Spawning release Multiple spawner Multiple
Leucaspius delineatus Spawning conditions Spawning release Multiple spawner Multiple
Leuciscus cephalus Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Leuciscus cephalus Spawning conditions Spawning release Unique/multiple Multiple
Leuciscus idus Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Leuciscus idus Spawning conditions Spawning release Multiple Multiple
Leuciscus leuciscus Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Leuciscus leuciscus Spawning conditions Spawning release Unique No category
Phoxinus phoxinus Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Rhodeus sericeus Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Rutilus rutilus Egg Oocyte diameter 1-1.5 1.25 mm
Rutilus rutilus Egg Incubation time 2-5 3.5 days
Rutilus rutilus Larvae Initial larval size 4.5-6.5 5.5 mm
Rutilus rutilus Female Age at sexual maturity 3 3.0 year
Rutilus rutilus Female Onset of oogenesis Starts in september and October ['October']
Rutilus rutilus Female Resting period 3-4 (May-June-July-August) 3.5 months
Rutilus rutilus Male Age at sexual maturity 2 2.0 years
Rutilus rutilus Male Male sexual dimorphism Numerous nuptial tubercules on head, snout, sides of the head, fins Present
Rutilus rutilus Spawning conditions Homing Fish tend to return on their spawning site Present
Rutilus rutilus Spawning conditions Spawning season Last week of April, first week of May ['April', 'May']
Rutilus rutilus Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 12-15 13.5 °C
Rutilus rutilus Spawning conditions Spawning substrate Phyto-lithophyl: plants, roots, stones (sometimes concrete) Phytophils
Rutilus rutilus Spawning conditions Spawning release Single spawner Total
Scardinius erythrophthalmus Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Scardinius erythrophthalmus Spawning conditions Spawning release Multiple Multiple
Tinca tinca Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Esox lucius Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Esox lucius Spawning conditions Spawning release Single Total
Gasterosteus aculeatus Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Gasterosteus aculeatus Spawning conditions Spawning release Multiples Multiple
Perca fluviatilis Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Perca fluviatilis Spawning conditions Spawning release Total spawner Total
Sander lucioperca Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Sander lucioperca Spawning conditions Spawning release Total spawner Total
Oncorhynchus mykiss Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Salmo trutta fario Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Salmo trutta fario Spawning conditions Spawning release Once Total
Salvelinus fontinalis Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Thymallus thymallus Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Cottus gobio Female Oocyte development Group-synchronous Group-synchronous
Cottus gobio Spawning conditions Spawning release Once/Multiples Multiple