Kubu and Kouril, 1985


Kubu, F. and Kouril, J. (1985) Lin obecny [Tench, Tinca tinca]., pp. 100

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Tinca tinca Egg Oocyte diameter According to different authors: unswollen diameter of eggs vary from : 0.79; 1.0-1.3; 1.3-1.4 and 1.9 1.15 mm
Tinca tinca Egg Egg size after water-hardening 1.14 for swollen eggs 1.14 mm
Tinca tinca Egg Incubation time At 20°C, first larvae hatch at the age of 72 hours post activation, maximum hatching occurs at the age of 76 hours 20.0 days
Tinca tinca Larvae Initial larval size Newly hatched larvae have been described at 4.0-4.2 (When incubated at 18°C), 4-5 (not indicated the temperature), 3.1-3.2 (at 19-22°C), 3.82 (at 19.6°C) 4.1 mm
Tinca tinca Larvae Larvae behaviour Larvae attach themselves with cement glands to submerged plants on which they spend all the yolk-feeding period. However, in larvae hatched prematurely cement glands are under-developed and larvae fail to attach Demersal
Tinca tinca Larvae Reaction to light Newly hatched embryos are photopositive Photopositive
Tinca tinca Larvae Temperature during larval development Total duration of endogenous feeding period (from egg activation to the beginning of external feeding) is 10 days at a mean temperature of 20.2, that is 202 D°. Development within an egg takes 62°D, i.e. a shorter part of endogenous feeding period. During remaining 140°C larva is fixed to submerged plants 10.0 °C
Tinca tinca Larvae Onset of exogeneous feeding Total duration of endogenous feeding period (from egg activation to the beginning of external feeding) is 10 days at a mean temperature of 20.2, that is 202 D°. Development within an egg takes 62°D, i.e. a shorter part of endogenous feeding period. During remaining 140°C larva is fixed to submerged plants 10.0 °C * day
Tinca tinca Female Age at sexual maturity In climatic conditions of Czech Republic tench mature in the second-fourth year of life. Males usually mature in the second year (third) year of life. Females mature a year later than males. Tench reared in fish ponds mature earlier than tench from rivers or dam reservoirs situated at the same altitude. 3.0 year
Tinca tinca Female Relative fecundity Realtive fecundity of tench in the Lipen Dam Reservoir: means of 136245 [Range of weight 601-700 g], 196006 [Range weight 701-800 g], 177953 [Range weight 801-900 g], 165027 [901-1000 g], 167132 [1001-1100 g], 198962 [1101-1200], 228097 [1201-1300 g] 650.5 thousand eggs/kg
Tinca tinca Female Absolute fecundity Absolute fecundity of tench in the Lipen Dam Reservoir: means of 93600 [Range of weight 601-700 g], 142300 [Range weight 701-800 g], 158200 [Range weight 801-900 g], 154300 [901-1000 g], 179500 [1001-1100 g], 230000 [1101-1200], 281700 [1201-1300 g] 650.5 thousand eggs
Tinca tinca Female Onset of oogenesis After spawning, in October slight increase from 3 to 5% ['October']
Tinca tinca Female Intensifying oogenesis activity April-May ['April', 'May']
Tinca tinca Female Maximum GSI value Around 17% (based on graph) 17.0 percent
Tinca tinca Female Resting period After spawning ovaries are in second stage. In that state they are the smallest during the yearly sexual cycle, are bloodshot, and remaining (non-spawned) oocytes are being resorbed. That state lasts 1 month. Later (from Ocotber until the beginning of April) ovaries are in the third stage of maturity. During that time growth of oocytes occurs. At the end of April/beginning of May ovaries are in the fourth maturity stage. Oocytes are being filled with yolk. At that time asynchronous development of oocytes occurs, which is typical for tench. During the next, five th maturity stage asynchrony becomes more deep. The size of ovaries reaches maximum. Four groups of different developmental advancement co-occur in the ovaries. The most mature oocytes continue yolk accumulation, the second group is at the final steps of vacuolisation, oocytes of the third group (=the last group that is going to be spawned during the spawning season) begin vacuolisation. The fourth group, which is the leats developped, will be spawned the next year. The VI-th maturity stage is ovulation (liberation of oocytes from the Graff follicles). Before ovulation nucleus moves from the centre to periphery of oocytes. 1.0 months
Tinca tinca Male Age at sexual maturity In climatic conditions of Czech Republic tench mature in the second-fourth year of life. Males usually mature in the second year (third) year of life. Females mature a year later than males. Tench reared in fish ponds mature earlier than tench from rivers or dam reservoirs situated at the same altitude. 3.0 years
Tinca tinca Male Onset of spermatogenesis October slight increase, but could also starts in mid-April ['April', 'October']
Tinca tinca Male Main spermatogenesis activity April-May ['April', 'May']
Tinca tinca Male Maximum GSI value About 1.7 [Beginning og June], based on graph 1.7 percent
Tinca tinca Spawning conditions Spawning season The last batch of eggs is spawned at the end of July/beginning of August. ['July', 'August']
Tinca tinca Spawning conditions Spawning temperature Spawning is initiated at the water temperatures >19°C, optimum spawning temepratures ranges from 21 to 23°C 19.0 °C
Tinca tinca Spawning conditions Spawning substrate Eggs are deposited on submerged plants,rarely on submerged dead plants or grass overhanging from the shore Phytophils
Tinca tinca Spawning conditions Mating system Small spawning groups are formed from one female and one, but usually two males. Promiscuity
Tinca tinca Spawning conditions Spawning release The first batch is spawned usually in June, about one-third of total numbers is released at that time. The next batches (usually two) are spawned usually in 20-days intervals Total