Souchon, 1983


Souchon, Y. (1983) La reproduction du brochet (Esox lucius L., 1758) dans le milieu naturel., pp. 21-37

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Esox lucius Egg Temperature for incubation 4-22 but in natural condition it is normally 4-16°C [5°C has negative effects] 13.0 °C
Esox lucius Larvae Larvae behaviour Prolarvae remain motionless during all the priod of resorption of yolk Demersal
Esox lucius Female Age at sexual maturity 2-3 [Both sex, but sometimes 1] 2.5 year
Esox lucius Female Relative fecundity 15-45 [18-42] 30.0 thousand eggs/kg
Esox lucius Female Onset of oogenesis July-August ['July', 'August']
Esox lucius Female Oogenesis duration 7-8 [From July-August until February-March] 7.5 months
Esox lucius Male Age at sexual maturity 2-3 [Both sex, but sometimes 1] 2.5 years
Esox lucius Male Onset of spermatogenesis August ['August']
Esox lucius Male Main spermatogenesis activity October-November ['October', 'November']
Esox lucius Male Spermatogenesis duration 2-3 [From end of August to November-December] 2.5 months
Esox lucius Spawning conditions Spawning migration distance Migrations variables up to 15 to 78 km but rare, usually much shorter 78.0 km
Esox lucius Spawning conditions Spawning migration period Migrations could occur few days before spawning No data
Esox lucius Spawning conditions Homing The fish exibited no homing tendency for particular spawning grounds Present
Esox lucius Spawning conditions Spawning season February-March but May-June in certain regions ['February', 'March', 'May', 'June']
Esox lucius Spawning conditions Spawning period duration 1-4 for the spawning period [But from 4-11 for the presence of spawners on spawning grounds] 2.5 weeks
Esox lucius Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 6-7 [But from 5-13] 6.5 °C
Esox lucius Spawning conditions Spawning water type Located in flooding areas and near the shore of lakes and ponds Stagnant water
Esox lucius Spawning conditions Spawning depth Shallow (0.2-1 m), that quickly warm 0.6 m
Esox lucius Spawning conditions Spawning substrate Dense aquatic and terrestrial plants Phytophils
Esox lucius Spawning conditions Spawning site preparation No cleaning of the subrates prior to spawning and no nest Open water/substratum scatter
Esox lucius Spawning conditions Nycthemeral period of oviposition Intensively during calm and warm afternoons Day
Esox lucius Spawning conditions Mating system Several males, usually smaller than the female, follow a female and spawn successively with it without any particular choice No category
Esox lucius Spawning conditions Spawning release Numerous release of small batches of eggs (5 à 60 ovules) within few hours, a great distance could be made between two spawns Multiple
Esox lucius Spawning conditions Parity Iteroparous Iteroparous
Esox lucius Spawning conditions Parental care Not any parental care No care