Pavlov et al, 1994


Pavlov, D.A. and Mikhaylenlo, V.G. and Timeyko, V.N. and Konovalov, Ye.S. (1994) Reproduction and Embryonic-larval development of the char, Salvelinus alpinus lepechini, in lakes Onega and Ladoga. Journal of Ichthyology, pp. 42-56

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Salvelinus alpinus Egg Egg size after water-hardening Mean of 6.28 but up to 7.1 [Horizontal: 5.20-6.05, vertical 4.85-5.70, swelling is completed 60 min after the eggs were put into water with a temperature of 9.5-11.0] 5.62 mm
Salvelinus alpinus Egg Incubation time 112-139 [3.1°C], 50-58 [8.9°C] 125.5 days
Salvelinus alpinus Egg Temperature for incubation 3.1-8.9 [Temperature leading to normal development] 6.0 °C
Salvelinus alpinus Egg Degree-days for incubation 400-500 450.0 °C * day
Salvelinus alpinus Larvae Initial larval size Mean: 18.5 (16.7-19.6 mm) at 3.1°C, and mean: 16.9, range 15.5-18.5 18.15 mm
Salvelinus alpinus Larvae Temperature during larval development 4-9 are most favorable for larvae to transfer to mixed feeding 6.5 °C
Salvelinus alpinus Larvae Full yolk-sac resorption 200-320 [135 days at 1.3, 40-43 at 8°C] 260.0 °C * day
Salvelinus alpinus Larvae Onset of exogeneous feeding 120-200 [70-96 days at 1.3°C, 25 days at 8°C] 160.0 °C * day
Salvelinus alpinus Female Age at sexual maturity 7-8 [Female] 7.5 year
Salvelinus alpinus Female Absolute fecundity Average 4.9, range 3.9-6.1 [A vérifier absolument ???] 5.0 thousand eggs
Salvelinus alpinus Male Age at sexual maturity 5-7 [Male] 6.0 years
Salvelinus alpinus Spawning conditions Spawning season From 20 September to mid-October, maximum spawning were observed at the end of September ['September', 'October']
Salvelinus alpinus Spawning conditions Spawning period duration 3-4 3.5 weeks
Salvelinus alpinus Spawning conditions Spawning temperature From 11.2 to 8.6 11.2 °C
Salvelinus alpinus Spawning conditions Spawning depth Average depth is 1 m, and 2.5-3.5 m 3.0 m
Salvelinus alpinus Spawning conditions Spawning substrate Bottom areas were covered with large stones Lithophils