Sauvonsaari, J. (1971) Biology of stone loach (Nemacheilus barbatulus L.) in the lakes Päijänne and Pälkänevesi, Southern Finland. Ann. Zool. Fennici, pp. 187-193.
Species | Development state | Trait | Primary Data | Secondary Data |
Barbatula barbatula | Egg | Oocyte diameter | 1.08 [Not specified] | 1.08 mm |
Barbatula barbatula | Egg | Egg adhesiveness | Eggs adhere to the bottom and weeds | Adhesive |
Barbatula barbatula | Egg | Incubation time | 16 days [14°C], 11 [18°C] and 7-8 [20°C] | 7.5 days |
Barbatula barbatula | Egg | Temperature for incubation | 14-20°C | 17.0 °C |
Barbatula barbatula | Egg | Degree-days for incubation | 16 days [14°C], 11 [18°C] and 7-8 [20°C] | 7.5 °C * day |
Barbatula barbatula | Female | Age at sexual maturity | In Finland, the stone loach usually matures at the age of two years, those slower in development at the age of 3 years [Sex not specified] | 1.0 year |
Barbatula barbatula | Female | Length at sexual maturity | The smallest spawning female was 6.2 cm long | 6.2 cm |
Barbatula barbatula | Female | Absolute fecundity | The number of eggs laid during one spawning period varies between 700 and 5000 | 700.0 thousand eggs |
Barbatula barbatula | Spawning conditions | Spawning migration distance | The stone loach spawns in the same places where it lives | No data |
Barbatula barbatula | Spawning conditions | Spawning season | Spawning usually occurs in May, it may de delayed to early June in cold years | ['May', 'June'] |
Barbatula barbatula | Spawning conditions | Spawning period duration | Exact observations on the length of the spawning period are lacking andit may vary to some extend, depending on water temperature of the waer, but normally appears to take only a few days | No data |
Barbatula barbatula | Spawning conditions | Spawning temperature | Spawning begins as the shore waters warm to about 8°C | 8.0 °C |
Barbatula barbatula | Spawning conditions | Spawning depth | Shore waters | No data |
Barbatula barbatula | Spawning conditions | Spawning substrate | Among shore rocks, eggs adhere to the bottom and weeds | Lithophils |
Barbatula barbatula | Spawning conditions | Nycthemeral period of oviposition | Spawns at night | Night |
Barbatula barbatula | Spawning conditions | Spawning release | Female lay their egg one by one | No category |
Barbatula barbatula | Spawning conditions | Parity | Specimens over four years old were rare, and only a few 6-year-olds were found | No category |