Van Houdt, 2003


Van Houdt, J. (2003) A mitogenic view on the origin and evolutionary history of the only freshwater gadoid (burbot, Lota lota). Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Lota lota Egg Egg Buoyancy Semi-buoyant [easily transported by slight water movements] Pelagic
Lota lota Egg Degree-days for incubation 112-200 156.0 °C * day
Lota lota Larvae Larvae behaviour Small pelagic larvae Pelagic
Lota lota Female Age at sexual maturity 4+ 4.0 year
Lota lota Female Length at sexual maturity 32-34 [Sex not specified] 33.0 cm
Lota lota Female Relative fecundity 500-1000 750.0 thousand eggs/kg
Lota lota Male Age at sexual maturity 3+ 3.0 years
Lota lota Male Length at sexual maturity 32-34 [sex not specified] 33.0 cm
Lota lota Spawning conditions Spawning migration distance Spawning is often preceed by a spawning migration over long distances: sometimes up to 400 km [but could be less than 10 km] 400.0 km
Lota lota Spawning conditions Homing Migrate to their "home stream" every year Present
Lota lota Spawning conditions Spawning season November to March ['January', 'February', 'March', 'November']
Lota lota Spawning conditions Spawning period duration Males are usually present first in the spawning area No data
Lota lota Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 0.5-4 2.25 °C
Lota lota Spawning conditions Spawning depth Shallow water: 2-3 deep 2.5 m
Lota lota Spawning conditions Spawning substrate Clear substrate of sand or gravel Lithophils
Lota lota Spawning conditions Nycthemeral period of oviposition Always occur at night Night
Lota lota Spawning conditions Mating system Communal process, up to 20 or so individuals Promiscuity