Acipenser ruthenus

  • Scientific name
  • Acipenser ruthenus

  • Common name
  • Sterlet sturgeon

  • Family
  • Acipenseridae

  • External links
  • Fishbase
Trait completeness 28%
Total data23
Image of Acipenser ruthenus

Author: Fabrice Téletchéa
License: All rights reserved

Traits detail

Egg (100.0%)

Trait id Trait Primary data Secondary Data References
1 Oocyte diameter 3.07-0.14 mm 1.6 mm Lenhardt et al, 2004
2 Egg size after water-hardening 6.5 ± 0.3 mm 6.5 mm Lenhardt et al, 2004
3 Egg Buoyancy No "The eggs became sticky upon activation, and they were quickly dispersed to form a single layer across the bottom of the hatching tray" Demersal Omoto et al, 2005
4 Egg adhesiveness Yes "After eliminating egg adhesiveness (WILLIOT et al., 1991), eggs were placed in small incubators" Adhesive Gisbert and Williot, 2002
4 Egg adhesiveness Yes "fertilized sturgeon eggs become sticky within a few minutes after coming in contact with water" Adhesive Linhart et al, 2016
5 Incubation time 5.0 5.0 days Пономарева E. H. et al, 2017
6 Temperature for incubation 14.5-18.2 °C 16.35 °C Пономарева E. H. et al, 2017
6 Temperature for incubation 15°C (sperm incubation) "After irradiation, 20 ml of 15 °C water from the incubation system was added to the irradiated sperm suspension" 15.0 °C Fopp-Bayat et al, 2007
6 Temperature for incubation 7-15°C; 10h "We found that sterlet eggs do not need to be fertilized immediately after collection. Reasonably good quality was retained for several hours if temperature conditions are fairly cool and stable. Eggs retained good quality when stored at 7°C and 11°C for up to 10 h with 54.1 ± 2.9 to 69.9 ± 7.9% hatching success, but egg quality was significantly reduced after 5‐h storage at 19°C (p < 0.01) and 7.5‐h storage at 15°C (p < 0.05) compared to cooler temperatures. Uniform temperatures between 7°C and 11°C can be considered as appropriate for storage of eggs in ovarian fluid for up to 10 h" 54.1 °C Linhart et al, 2016
7 Degree-days for incubation 16°C/5-6 days (eggs incubation) "5‐ to 6‐day post‐fertilization; water temperature during incubation was 16°C" 5.5 °C * day Linhart et al, 2016

Larvae (100.0%)

Trait id Trait Primary Data Secondary Data References
8 Initial larval size inital larval length 6.78±0.22 mm 6.78 mm Lundova et al, 2018
8 Initial larval size 9.0 mm "The embryos hatched when reaching a mean total length (TL) of 9.0 mm." 9.0 mm Rybnikár et al, 2011
9 Larvae behaviour Benthic "sterlet's prolarvaes passes to a bottom mode of life" Demersal Kalmykov et al, 2010
10 Reaction to light Photoperiod of 12L: 12D Photopositive Laczynska et al, 2017
10 Reaction to light Light (color and photoperiod) influences egg quality during the final stage of A. ruthenus reproduction Photopositive Azarin et al, 2014
11 Temperature during larval development Annual average temperature=18°C (7-32°C) 19.5 °C Rzemieniecki et al, 2004
11 Temperature during larval development 5-25°C "25 ± 0.5°C (acutely high temperature) or 5 ± 0.5°C (acutely low temperature) for testing" 25.0 °C Mandal et al, 2016
12 Sibling intracohort cannibalism Present "A significantly higher cannibalism rate p<0.05) was observed in the RP1 group as compared to N2, O1,and O2" Present Lundova et al, 2018
13 Full yolk-sac resorption 7 dph "Gastric glands became visible on the 7 dph. The primary intestine developed into the spiral intestine. At the moment of onset of exogenous feeding the yolk material was completely exhausted" 7.0 °C * day Wegner et al, 2009
13 Full yolk-sac resorption 7 dph at 18°C "The experimental rearing was initiated from 7 dph (after resorption of yolk sac) and continued until 38 dph in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). Water temperature was maintained at 18°" 7.0 °C * day Laczynska et al, 2017
14 Onset of exogeneous feeding ARM (A. r. marsiglii) Siberian Sterlet = dry diet from 5 dph (day post-hatch) at 20,5 - 21,4°C 13.0 °C * day Feledi, 2013
14 Onset of exogeneous feeding 7 days (live feeding) at 19± 1 °C 19.0 °C * day Lundova et al, 2018
14 Onset of exogeneous feeding 7-38 dph at 18±0.5°C 18.0 °C * day Laczynska et al, 2017