Brown and Taylor, 1992


Brown, R.W. and Taylor, W.W. (1992) Effects of egg composition and prey density on larval growth and survival of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeformis Mitchill). J. Fish. Biol., pp. 381-394

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Coregonus clupeaformis Egg Incubation time Hatching occurred between 84 and 101 days (mean of 94) at an average temperature of 3.4°C (± 0.3°C) 84.0 days
Coregonus clupeaformis Egg Temperature for incubation Incubated at an average temperature of 3.4°C (± 0.3°C) 3.4 °C
Coregonus clupeaformis Egg Degree-days for incubation 320 [Hatching occurred between 84 and 101 days (mean of 94) at an average temperature of 3.4°C (± 0.3°C)] 320.0 °C * day
Coregonus clupeaformis Larvae Initial larval size 10.8-11.3 [Deduced from graph, at haching] 11.05 mm
Coregonus clupeaformis Larvae Temperature during larval development Reared at 6.9 ± 0.6°C 6.9 °C
Coregonus clupeaformis Larvae Full yolk-sac resorption 150-170 [Yolk-sac absorption occurred between 23 and 25 days post-hatch (at 6.9°C). Yet, water temperatures in their this experiment were maintained at relatively low temperatures to simulate temperatures normally encountered in the Laurentian Great Lakes, while in early study was conducted at 12°C. At this higher temperature, larval lake whitefish exhausted energy reserves between 12 and 15 days post-hatch] 160.0 °C * day
Coregonus clupeaformis Larvae Onset of exogeneous feeding Larvae were not fed until just prior to yolk sac absorption (21 after hatching) [Yet under natural conditions; larval lake whitefish are capable of feeding within 48 h after hatching 21.0 °C * day