Sheri and Power, 1968


Sheri, A.N. and Power, G. (1968) Reproduction of white perch, Roccus americanus, in the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, pp. 2225-2231

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Morone americana Female Age at sexual maturity 76% mature at 2, and 100% at 3 76.0 year
Morone americana Female Length at sexual maturity > 17.2 Fork length are mature 17.2 cm
Morone americana Female Relative fecundity Fecundity ranged from 5210 at weight 36.3 g to 221,003 at weight 308.4 g. Means of the number of eggs per gram of fish range from 279 [Weight 74.3 g], 420 [Weight 129.6 g], 786 [Weight 251.7 g], full range 186-975 580.5 thousand eggs/kg
Morone americana Female Absolute fecundity 5-247 126.0 thousand eggs
Morone americana Male Age at sexual maturity All males 2+ are mature, some at I 2.0 years
Morone americana Male Length at sexual maturity > 14 Fork length 14.0 cm
Morone americana Spawning conditions Spawning season Middle of May to the end of June ['May', 'June']
Morone americana Spawning conditions Spawning period duration About 5-6 [From middle of May to end of June] 5.5 weeks
Morone americana Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 11-15 13.0 °C