Changeux and Le Louarn, 2001


Changeux, T. and Roche, B. (2001) L'Aphanius de Corse Aphanius fasciatus (Valencienns, 1821)., pp. 278-279

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Leuciscus cephalus Egg Oocyte diameter 1.4 [Before water hardening] 1.4 mm
Leuciscus cephalus Egg Egg adhesiveness Adhesive Adhesive
Leuciscus cephalus Egg Incubation time 3 at 18°C 3.0 days
Leuciscus cephalus Egg Temperature for incubation 18 18.0 °C
Leuciscus cephalus Egg Degree-days for incubation 50-60 [3 days at 18°C] 55.0 °C * day
Leuciscus cephalus Female Age at sexual maturity 3 [Female] 3.0 year
Leuciscus cephalus Female Relative fecundity 57 57.0 thousand eggs/kg
Leuciscus cephalus Female Absolute fecundity 40 for a female of 35 cm 40.0 thousand eggs
Leuciscus cephalus Male Age at sexual maturity 2 [Male] 2.0 years
Leuciscus cephalus Male Male sexual dimorphism Male bears nuptial tubercles on head and opercules Present
Leuciscus cephalus Spawning conditions Spawning migration distance From deeper to shallower waters No data
Leuciscus cephalus Spawning conditions Spawning season From mid-April to mid-June ['April', 'May', 'June']
Leuciscus cephalus Spawning conditions Spawning temperature Above 15°C 15.0 °C