Woynarovich, 1962


Woynarovich, E. (1962) Hatching of carp eggs in zuger-glasses and breeding of carp larvae until and age age of 10 days. Bamidgeh, pp. 38-46

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Cyprinus carpio Egg Oocyte diameter 1.8-1.9 [Diameter of normal eggs] 1.85 mm
Cyprinus carpio Egg Egg size after water-hardening 2.1-2.2 [Swollen] 2.15 mm
Cyprinus carpio Egg Egg adhesiveness The eggs of carp appear to be among the stickiest Adhesive
Cyprinus carpio Egg Temperature for incubation The optimal temperature is from 20-24°C. In water of 17°C the eggs develop slowly and there is the danger of mould development 22.0 °C
Cyprinus carpio Larvae Temperature during larval development 20-24°C 22.0 °C
Cyprinus carpio Larvae Onset of exogeneous feeding [The larvae start to take in air and to fill the swimming bladder when about 1/2 or 2-3 of the yolk sac has been absorbed. At this time the larvae also begin to feed at 20-24°C) 2.5 °C * day
Coregonus lavaretus Egg Egg adhesiveness Salmonidae, whose eggs are not sticky Non-Adhesive
Coregonus albula Egg Egg adhesiveness Salmonidae, whose eggs are not sticky Non-Adhesive
Coregonus clupeaformis Egg Egg adhesiveness Salmonidae, whose eggs are not sticky Non-Adhesive
Hucho hucho Egg Egg adhesiveness Salmonidae, whose eggs are not sticky Non-Adhesive
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Egg Egg adhesiveness Salmonidae, whose eggs are not sticky Non-Adhesive
Oncorhynchus keta Egg Egg adhesiveness Salmonidae, whose eggs are not sticky Non-Adhesive
Oncorhynchus kisutch Egg Egg adhesiveness Salmonidae, whose eggs are not sticky Non-Adhesive
Oncorhynchus mykiss Egg Egg adhesiveness Salmonidae, whose eggs are not sticky Non-Adhesive
Oncorhynchus nerka Egg Egg adhesiveness Salmonidae, whose eggs are not sticky Non-Adhesive
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Egg Egg adhesiveness Salmonidae, whose eggs are not sticky Non-Adhesive
Salmo salar Egg Egg adhesiveness Salmonidae, whose eggs are not sticky Non-Adhesive
Salmo trutta fario Egg Egg adhesiveness Salmonidae, whose eggs are not sticky Non-Adhesive
Salvelinus alpinus Egg Egg adhesiveness Salmonidae, whose eggs are not sticky Non-Adhesive
Salvelinus fontinalis Egg Egg adhesiveness Salmonidae, whose eggs are not sticky Non-Adhesive
Salvelinus namaycush Egg Egg adhesiveness Salmonidae, whose eggs are not sticky Non-Adhesive
Stenodus leucichthys Egg Egg adhesiveness Salmonidae, whose eggs are not sticky Non-Adhesive
Thymallus thymallus Egg Egg adhesiveness Salmonidae, whose eggs are not sticky Non-Adhesive
Thymallus arcticus Egg Egg adhesiveness Salmonidae, whose eggs are not sticky Non-Adhesive