Polacik and Kovac, 2006


Polacik, M. and Kovac, V. (2006) Fecundity and annual course of maturation in spirlin, Alburnoides bipunctatus. Folia Zoologica, pp. 399-410

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Alburnoides bipunctatus Egg Oocyte diameter The diameter of all measured oocytes ranged from 0.20 to 1.96 mm (the smallest eggs were translucent and did not contain yolk, the large eggs where yellowish and filled with yolk), with the mean 0.95 mm, whereas the mean diameter of yolked (vitellogenic) oocytes varied seasonally from 0.86 mm to 1.20 mm 1.96 mm
Alburnoides bipunctatus Female Relative fecundity Relative fecundity of all studied females ranged from 176 to 585 eggs/g (0 to 560 yolked eggs/g) 176.0 thousand eggs/kg
Alburnoides bipunctatus Female Absolute fecundity Absolute fecundity of all studied females ranged from 975 to 5206 eggs (0 to 4892 yolked eggs) […] Absolute fecundity of spirlin from the River Rudava varied within a range similar to that of the samples from the river Radimna in Romania, where is attained 1581-6110 eggs 3845.5 thousand eggs
Alburnoides bipunctatus Female Onset of oogenesis In September, the mean diameter of oocytes increased by 0.28 mm compared to the previous month but is remained more-less constant in the subsequent period (October, November, December). However, the formation of the gap in oocyte size-distribution was first observable in December ['September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
Alburnoides bipunctatus Female Maximum GSI value GSI ranged from 1.6 to 36.4 1.6 percent
Alburnoides bipunctatus Female Resting period Spirlin collected after the spawning season (i.e. in July and especially in August) demosntrated different characteristics compared to those sampled during the spawning season. In July, 3 out of 5 fish ovaries still contained yolked oocytes, however, one female was likely to release one more spawning batch, whereas others appeared undergoing atretic process [...] In August, virtually none of the ovaries analyzed contained yolked oocytes, and the mean diameter was even 0.48 mm lower than that of sample from June 25 [...] 3.0 months
Alburnoides bipunctatus Spawning conditions Spawning season Macroscopical indication of spawning in progress (spawning tubercles, leaking gonadal products) was apparent only in fish collected from May 2 to June 25 […] ['May', 'June']
Alburnoides bipunctatus Spawning conditions Spawning period duration Our oocyte diameter distribution analysis indicate that the reproductive season of spirlin from the Rudava stream is quite protracted (late April-early July), a reproduction feature typical for batch spawners No data
Alburnoides bipunctatus Spawning conditions Spawning temperature Water temperatures of 15-17°C 16.0 °C
Alburnoides bipunctatus Spawning conditions Spawning substrate Being a lithophilous species, spirlin is not capable to use flooded riparian vegetation as spawning substrate, but rather thrives on increased food availability and suitable nursery habitat for offsprings Lithophils
Alburnoides bipunctatus Spawning conditions Spawning release Spirlin is reported to belong to batch spawners […] The absence of the gap, and no increase in mean diameter of the oocytes supports the idea that spirlin has indeterminate fecundity Multiple