Aho and Holopainen, 2000


Aho, J. and Holopainen, I.J. (2000) Batch spawning of crucian carp (Carassius carassius (L.)) in mono-and multispecies communities. Ann. Zool. Fennici, pp. 101-111

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Blicca bjoerkna Spawning conditions Spawning release Multiple spawning Multiple
Alburnus alburnus Spawning conditions Spawning release Multiple spawning Multiple
Carassius carassius Female Length at sexual maturity Mean of females range from 11.69 ± 2.2 (range 7.8-19.1) in Pond Hermanninlampi, and 32.86 ± 6.2 (range 14.9-39.7) and 23.39-+/ 2.3 (range 19.3-27.5) in lake Varaslampi 11.69 cm
Carassius carassius Female Weight at sexual maturity Mean of females range from 31.2 ±20 g in Pond Hermanninlampi, and 933.3 ± 339.4 and 311.7 ± 100.1 in lake Varaslampi 31.2 kg
Carassius carassius Female Female sexual dimorphism During the spawning season, both males and females developped small tubercles in the epithelium when ready to spawn. At both sites some sexual dimorphism was observed. In males, the tubercles were most abundant, covering both head and body, but in females they were limited to the head region only. Nearly all ripe male crucian carps had tubercles. At the beginning of the reproudction period, tubercles covered only the head (forehead and operculum); but a few days later they were found on the body as well. In female fish the tubercles were found only on teh head and tuberculum. by the end of the ripe period tubercles were absent in both sexes Absent
Carassius carassius Female Maximum GSI value GSI range from an average of 5.51 ± 1.36 (range 3.92-7.91); to 8.59 ± 1.80 (range 5.60-11.8), and 11.56 ± 5.78 (range 3.63-20.98) in three fifferent regions in May 5.51 percent
Carassius carassius Male Length at sexual maturity Mean of males range from 8.95 ± 1.8 (range 6.3-15.2) in Pond Hermanninlampi, and 28.90 ± 5.5 (range 13.9-35.7) and 23.28-+/ 4.6 (range 14.8-28.5) in lake Varaslampi 8.95 cm
Carassius carassius Male Weight at sexual maturity Mean of males range from 10.5 ±6.1 g in Pond Hermanninlampi, and 640.2 ± 288.7 and 302.7 ± 137.2 in lake Varaslampi 10.5 kg
Carassius carassius Spawning conditions Spawning period duration The ready-to-spawn (ripe) fish (n=430) were captured between 19 May and 21 July, all within 64 days. In other sites: 32 dats and 60 days 430.0 weeks
Carassius carassius Spawning conditions Spawning temperature Spawning is not likely to occur until the water temperature reaches 17-20°C, especially in harsh climatic conditions as those in Finland 18.5 °C
Carassius carassius Spawning conditions Nycthemeral period of oviposition Mating itself is likely to take place at night or early in the morning, whencrucian carps are known to be most active Day
Carassius carassius Spawning conditions Spawning release Crucian carp is one of the batch-spawning cyrpinids fround in nothern Europe Multiple