Lodi and Malacarne, 1990


Lodi, E. and Malacarne, G. . (1990) Reproductive behaviour of the spined loach Cobitis taenia L. (Pisces, Cobitidae). Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool., pp. 107-111

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Cobitis taenia Egg Egg size after water-hardening 2.5 mm in diameter 2.5 mm
Cobitis taenia Egg Incubation time Data about a very long hatch time are also confusing: instead of some weeks we observed, in natural rearing conditions, fry hatched in two days [Eggs hatch in nature in few weeks, depending upon temperature, while at laboratory temperature (22-25°C) they hatch 42-48 hours after spawning.] 23.5 days
Cobitis taenia Egg Temperature for incubation Eggs hatch in nature in few weeks, depending upon temperature, while at laboratory temperature (22-25°C) they hatch 42-48 hours after spawning. 23.5 °C
Cobitis taenia Egg Degree-days for incubation Eggs hatch in nature in few weeks, depending upon temperature, while at laboratory temperature (22-25°C) they hatch 42-48 hours after spawning. 23.5 °C * day
Cobitis taenia Male Male sexual dimorphism Sexual dimoprhism is clearly marked: females can be 13 cm long, males do not exceed 9 cm. The male pectoral fin is slighter because of the longer and thicker secondary ray. A blade-like osseous appendage stems from the base of the ray : it is Canestrini's organ, also known as lamina circularis Absent
Cobitis taenia Spawning conditions Spawning season In Piedmont (Italy=, the reproductive period spans from April to June ['April', 'May', 'June']
Cobitis taenia Spawning conditions Spawning site preparation No, eggs are deposited on the bottom Susbtrate chooser
Cobitis taenia Spawning conditions Nycthemeral period of oviposition Reproduction is achieved mainly at dawn but in some cases during the morning or at night [other studies indicated that eggs are mostly deposited and fertilized at dawn] Day
Cobitis taenia Spawning conditions Mating system In pair, one male and one female, described in detailled [Note: wide range of sexual patterns, due to unbalanced protandrous hermaphroditic and gonochoric populations. Futhermore, there are arrhenoid females, like those obersevd in other species, along with intersexual males referred to as gynoid males] Monogamy
Cobitis taenia Spawning conditions Spawning release Despite the eggs not being abundant, spawning can occur until 4-5 times each day and 100-400 eggs are emitted on the whole. Mating is repeated more than once in the reporductive period Multiple
Cobitis taenia Spawning conditions Parental care No parental care is shown No care