Acipenser sturio

  • Scientific name
  • Acipenser sturio

  • Common name
  • Not known

  • Family
  • Acipenseridae

  • External links
  • Fishbase
Trait completeness 22%
Total data16
Image of Acipenser sturio

Author: Fabrice Téletchéa
License: All rights reserved

Traits detail

Egg (100.0%)

Trait id Trait Primary data Secondary Data References
1 Oocyte diameter The pigmented ovarian follicles varied greatly from 2.4 to 3.4 mm in diameter without any relationship with the weight of the females 3.4 mm Williot et al, 2002
2 Egg size after water-hardening The range in size of the ovarian follicles should include to the largest pigmented eggs and the small white eggs of less than 0.5 to 0.6 mm in diameter. Intermediate sized, partially pigmented follicles reveal incomplete vitellogenesis, while a marble appearance indicates over maturation 0.6 mm Williot et al, 2002
2 Egg size after water-hardening This embryo taken out of the 2.8 mm egg reveals a quite undeveloped stage comprising a large yolk sac and a small embryological fin fold 2.8 mm Kirschbaum and Wiliot, 2011
3 Egg Buoyancy Twenty-three hours after the second hormonal injection\some ovulated eggs were observed in the bottom of the tank Demersal Williot et al, 1999
4 Egg adhesiveness The development of the sticky dark grey eggs… Adhesive Kirschbaum and Wiliot, 2011
4 Egg adhesiveness Adhesiveness of the eggs was eliminated with starch solution (1 kg of household potato starch in 1 l of water) Adhesive Urbanyi et al, 2004
5 Incubation time Egg development takes about 3 days at 20 C° 3.0 days Kirschbaum and Wiliot, 2011
6 Temperature for incubation water system at 17 – 18 °C are the procedures currently used for sturgeon 18.0 °C Williot et al, 2002
6 Temperature for incubation Hatched free embryo, 80 h old (representing stage 35) at 20 °C 20.0 °C Kirschbaum and Wiliot, 2011
6 Temperature for incubation Our results suggest that the incubation of Siberian sturgeon embryos andprolarvae at temperatures close to 20°C would be advantageous in hatcheries, based on reductions in the duration and uniformityof egg and prolarval developmental stages. 20.0 °C Park et al, 2013
7 Degree-days for incubation 17±0,5°C/100-120 days, (but publication with induced hormonal treatment) 17.0 °C * day Williot et al, 2002

Larvae (57.0%)

Trait id Trait Primary Data Secondary Data References
8 Initial larval size At hatching the free embryo (developmental terms after Balon 1975), 9.3 mm long… 9.3 mm Kirschbaum and Wiliot, 2011
10 Reaction to light This is because of the absence of positive phototactism Photopositive Williot et al, 2005
10 Reaction to light Larvae are not photosensitive during the two days after hatching Photopositive Williot et al, 2002
13 Full yolk-sac resorption The first excretion of the melanin plug occurred at 12 days post hatching + Nauplii were observed in the digestive tract for the first time at 16 dph at a mean weight of 31 mg. // baerii :Thus, confirming that this expulsion was not the consequence of the first feeding as previously reported for A. baerii 12.0 °C * day Williot et al, 2005
14 Onset of exogeneous feeding At 18 C exogenous feeding starts at about day 16. 18.0 °C * day Kirschbaum and Wiliot, 2011