Marcy, B.C.Jr. (1972) Spawning of the American shad, Alosa sapidissima in the lower Connecticut River. Chesapeake Sci., pp. 116-119
Species | Development state | Trait | Primary Data | Secondary Data |
Alosa sapidissima | Egg | Egg Buoyancy | Calculations based on eggs ages when collected indicate most eggs traveled only 1 to 4 miles from where spawned. | Pelagic |
Alosa sapidissima | Egg | Incubation time | Eggs were fertilized and reared in the laboratory at temperatures similar to those in the river (13.8-23.0°C). Hatching occurred 71 to 86 hours after fertilization | 18.4 days |
Alosa sapidissima | Spawning conditions | Spawning season | Spawning occurred between 13 May and 27 June, the peak being June in 1967 and May in 1968. | ['May', 'June'] |
Alosa sapidissima | Spawning conditions | Spawning temperature | Mean water temperature was 11°C in May 1967 and 15°C in May 1968 | 11.0 °C |
Alosa sapidissima | Spawning conditions | Spawning water type | Current velocities ranged from 0.5 to 2 ft/sec. | Flowing or turbulent water |
Alosa sapidissima | Spawning conditions | Spawning depth | Eggs were found at depths of 0.6 to 7.3 m. An almost equal number of eggs/hr were collected above 3 m as below | 7.3 m |
Alosa sapidissima | Spawning conditions | Nycthemeral period of oviposition | Spawning was seen only on dark afternoons and during the evening | Day |
Alosa sapidissima | Spawning conditions | Mating system | Spawning involves pairs of fish, or presumably several males and a single female. In group spawning, fish swam with their backs exposed. They splashed about forming a closely-packed circle | Promiscuity |