Macintosh and Duston, 2007


MacIntosh, K.E. and Duston, J. (2007) Effect of light intensity and eye development on prey capture by larval striped bass Morone saxatilis. Journal of Fish Biology, pp. 725-736

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Morone saxatilis Egg Incubation time Development is rapid, eggs hatch in about 48 hours 48.0 days
Morone saxatilis Larvae Temperature during larval development Rearing temperature was 17°C to 5 dph, 19°C from 6 to 10 dph and 20°C from 10 dph onwards 17.0 °C
Morone saxatilis Larvae Onset of exogeneous feeding The larvae grow quickly from 6 mm total length (Lt) at first feeding (6 days post-hatch, dph) […] Swimbladder inflation and first feeding occurred between 5 and 7 dph (at 19°C) 6.0 °C * day
Morone saxatilis Spawning conditions Spawning season Striped bass spawn in spring in numerous estuaries on the east coast of North America ['April', 'May', 'June']