Carlson and Siebert, 1974


Carlson, A.R. and Siefert, R.E. (1974) Effects of reduced oxygen on embryos and larvae of lake trout (salvelinus namaycush) and largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). J. Fish. Res. Board Can., pp. 1393-1396

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Micropterus salmoides Egg Temperature for incubation Test temperatures were 20 and 23°C within the optimum range and near the higher limit for incubation 20.0 °C
Micropterus salmoides Egg Degree-days for incubation About 40-50 [Initial hatch after 50 hours and 90% hatch after 64 hours at 23°C and sometime between 31 and 47 at 23°C respectively] 45.0 °C * day
Micropterus salmoides Larvae Temperature during larval development Reared at 20 and 23°C 20.0 °C
Micropterus salmoides Larvae Onset of exogeneous feeding 75-105 [Initial feeding at 193 hours after fertilization and 90% hatch at 64 at 20°C and 124 hours and 90% hatch at 47 at 23°C, i.e. 5.3 days at 20°C and 3.2 days at 23°C] 90.0 °C * day
Salvelinus namaycush Egg Incubation time Initial hatch after 70 days and 90% hatch after 81 days at 7°C and 49 days and 56 days at 10°C respectively 70.0 days
Salvelinus namaycush Egg Temperature for incubation Test temperatures were 7 and 10°C within the optimum range and near the higher limit for incubation 7.0 °C
Salvelinus namaycush Egg Degree-days for incubation About 500-550 [Initial hatch after 70 days and 90% hatch after 81 days at 7°C and 49 and 56 at 10°C respectively] 525.0 °C * day
Salvelinus namaycush Larvae Onset of exogeneous feeding About 140 [Initial feeding started at 101 days after fertilization and 90% hatch occurred at 81 days at 7°C and 60 days after fertilization and 90% hatch at 10°C, i.e. 20 days at 7°C and 14 days at 10°C] 140.0 °C * day