Baras, 1995


Baras, E. (1995) Thermal related variations of seasonal and daily spawning periodicity in Barbus barbus. Journal of fish biology, pp. 915-917

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Barbus barbus Spawning conditions Spawning season A first spawning activity starts 3 May. A second one on 10 May, and no further spawning activity was observed from 13 May till early summer (mid-July) ['May', 'July', 'August', 'September']
Barbus barbus Spawning conditions Spawning period duration 1-2 twice within a spawning season 1.5 weeks
Barbus barbus Spawning conditions Spawning temperature Start at 13.5, but main activity at 15-20 17.5 °C
Barbus barbus Spawning conditions Nycthemeral period of oviposition Diurnal spawner but also daytime and night [Nocturnal spawning may thus be dependent on high daily thermal amplitudes] Day
Barbus barbus Spawning conditions Spawning release Females spawn only once within the season in the River Ourthen even under exceptionally high temperatures Total