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Species | Development state | Trait | Primary Data | Secondary Data |
Anguilla anguilla | Egg | Egg Buoyancy | Pelagic eggs | Pelagic |
Anguilla anguilla | Egg | Egg adhesiveness | Non-sticky | Non-Adhesive |
Anguilla anguilla | Larvae | Temperature during larval development | The smallest (probably just hatched) larvae were found at depths between 50 and 300 m with temperatures of 18-24°C respectively | 21.0 °C |
Anguilla anguilla | Female | Age at sexual maturity | Age at maturity is highly variable, ranging from 6 to 50 years in females over a latitudinal gradient. In Northern Europe the mean age at maturity of females can range from 12 to 20 years (or older), while in Southern Europe it is 6-8 years | 7.0 year |
Anguilla anguilla | Female | Length at sexual maturity | Females mature at a size of > 60 cm | 60.0 cm |
Anguilla anguilla | Male | Age at sexual maturity | Males tend to mature at and age of 3-4 years | 3.5 years |
Anguilla anguilla | Male | Length at sexual maturity | Males tend to mature at a size of around 40 cm | 40.0 cm |
Anguilla anguilla | Spawning conditions | Spawning season | Based on all these observations, we now know that the European eel spawn primarily from March to June within a narrow ellipse whose long axis extends east-west from approximately 48° to 74°W longitude between 23° and 30° N latitude | ['March', 'April', 'May', 'June'] |
Anguilla anguilla | Spawning conditions | Spawning temperature | Releasing hormone treated mature female adults tagged with radio transmitters in the Sargasso Sea demonstrated a preference for the upper zone of the ocean at depths of 18.7-18.8°C | 18.75 °C |
Anguilla anguilla | Spawning conditions | Spawning depth | Releasing hormone treated mature female adults tagged with radio transmitters in the Sargasso Sea demonstrated a preference for the upper zone of the ocean at depths of 250-270 m | 260.0 m |