Wydoski and Cooper, 1966


Wydoski, R.S. and Cooper, E.L. (1966) Maturation and fecundity of brook trout from infertile streams. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can., pp. 623-649

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Salvelinus fontinalis Egg Oocyte diameter The mean diameter of ripe ova was 4.05 4.05 mm
Salvelinus fontinalis Egg Egg size after water-hardening Ripe eggs from individual females varied in mean diameter from 3.35 to 5.0 3.35 mm
Salvelinus fontinalis Female Age at sexual maturity Sexual maturity was attained by the majority of the brrok trout at the end of their 3rd year of life, although many males and females were mature in 2 years 3.0 year
Salvelinus fontinalis Female Onset of oogenesis Development begins in June for both sexes and reaches a peak in September ['June', 'September']
Salvelinus fontinalis Female Intensifying oogenesis activity July-August ['July', 'August']
Salvelinus fontinalis Female Maximum GSI value Mean of 10-11% [September/October] 10.5 percent
Salvelinus fontinalis Female Resting period November to June, < 1% 1.0 months
Salvelinus fontinalis Male Age at sexual maturity Sexual maturity was attained by the majority of the brrok trout at the end of their 3rd year of life, although many males and females were mature in 2 years 3.0 years
Salvelinus fontinalis Male Male sexual dimorphism There is some evidence that male matures earlier in the season than the females do Absent
Salvelinus fontinalis Male Onset of spermatogenesis Development begins in June for both sexes and reaches a peak in September ['June', 'September']
Salvelinus fontinalis Male Main spermatogenesis activity June-July ['June', 'July']
Salvelinus fontinalis Male Maximum GSI value Between 1.5 and 2% [August/September] 1.5 percent
Salvelinus fontinalis Male Resting period From November to June 8.0 months
Salvelinus fontinalis Spawning conditions Spawning period duration Spawning begins late in September and extends into November No data
Salvelinus fontinalis Spawning conditions Spawning substrate The stream bottoms were composed of large stones, broken pieces of shale, gravel and sand Lithophils
Salvelinus fontinalis Spawning conditions Parity Most of the brook trout in these infertile streams mature, spawn, and die before reaching 6 inches in total length Semelparous