Frantzen, M. and Johnsen, H.K. and Mayer, I. (1997) Gonadal development and sex stroids in a female arctic charr broodstock. Journal of fish biology, pp. 697-709
Species | Development state | Trait | Primary Data | Secondary Data |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | Female | Oocyte development | Group-synchronous | Group-synchronous |
Salvelinus alpinus | Female | Oocyte development | Group-synchronous | Group-synchronous |
Salvelinus alpinus | Female | Onset of oogenesis | March [Although onset of vitellogenesis occurred as early as March, there was apprently no change in oocyte size and only a modest rise in GSI until early June.] | ['March', 'June'] |
Salvelinus alpinus | Female | Intensifying oogenesis activity | The period with the most intensive vitellogenesis occurred in late July | ['July'] |
Salvelinus alpinus | Female | Maximum GSI value | 18.2 [15 October] | 18.2 percent |
Salvelinus alpinus | Female | Oogenesis duration | First histological signs of maturation were seen in March, 6-7 months prior ovulation, but onset of viteelogeneis apparently occurred over several moths between March and June. Although onset of viteelogenesis occurred as early as March, there was apprently no change in oocyte size and only a modest rise in GSI until early June. | 6.5 months |
Salvelinus alpinus | Female | Resting period | Recruitement of stage II and stage III oocyes was seen 1-2 months after ovulation had occurred, and by February the next year all the post-ovulatory follicles had disappeared | 1.5 months |
Salvelinus alpinus | Female | Resting period | < 0.5% (November to beginning of June) | 3.0 months |
Salvelinus alpinus | Spawning conditions | Spawning season | Ripening females were first observed on 24 September and by 15 October all the sampled females had ovulated | ['September', 'October'] |
Salvelinus alpinus | Spawning conditions | Spawning period duration | 3 [The ovulatory period may have no more than 3 weeks] | 3.0 weeks |
Salvelinus fontinalis | Female | Oocyte development | Group-synchronous | Group-synchronous |