Noaksson et al, 2004


Noaksson, E. and Gustavsson, B. and Linderoth, M. and Zebühr, Y. and Broman, D. and Balk, L. (2004) Gonad development and plasma steroid profiles by HRGC/HRMS during one reproductive cycle in reference and leachate-exposed female perch (Perca fluviatilis). Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, pp. 247-261

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Perca fluviatilis Female Onset of oogenesis GSI increased from the onset of oogenesis at the end of July. The onsey of oogenesis coincided with a steady decline in water temperatures from the end of July, with the oocytes continously developing throughout the winter until a rapid increase in water temperature at the beginning of May, triigerered the spanwing. ['January', 'February', 'March', 'May', 'July']
Perca fluviatilis Female Intensifying oogenesis activity March-April ['March', 'April']
Perca fluviatilis Female Maximum GSI value May, 18 +/- 0.6% just before spawning. 18.0 percent
Perca fluviatilis Female Resting period After spawning, GSI rapidly decreased to the low values observed during the summer 4.0 months
Perca fluviatilis Spawning conditions Spawning season Perch in both lakes spawned in the middle of May, following a rapid 2-week increase in water temeprature from 4-6°C to 10-13°C ['May']
Perca fluviatilis Spawning conditions Spawning temperature Rapid 2-week increase in water temeprature from 4-6°C to 10-13°C 5.0 °C