Herzig and Winkler, 1986


Herzig, A. and Winkler, H. (1986) The influence of temperature on the embryonic development of three cyrpinid fishes, Abramis brama, Chalcalburnus chalcoides mento and Vimba vimba. J. Fish Biol., pp. 171-181

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Abramis brama Egg Incubation time 8-12 [9.8°C] to 3.2 [16.2°C] 10.0 days
Abramis brama Egg Temperature for incubation 12.6-18 for embryonic develoment, 6-26 range in which normal development occurs and < 4 lower lethal T°C and > 32 for upper lethal temperature 15.3 °C
Abramis brama Spawning conditions Spawning season Spawning takes place during the first half of June ['June']
Abramis brama Spawning conditions Spawning temperature When temperatures are between 15°C and 18°C 15.0 °C
Abramis brama Spawning conditions Spawning water type The spawning grounds of A. brama are the shallow waters of the lake where there is dense vegetation Stagnant water
Abramis brama Spawning conditions Spawning depth Shallow waters No data
Cyprinus carpio Egg Temperature for incubation 20-24 T for embryonic development, 12-30 range in which normal development occurs and 10 and > 33 lower and upper lethal T°C for embryonic development 22.0 °C
Cyprinus carpio Spawning conditions Spawning season May-July ['May', 'July']
Cyprinus carpio Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 16-22 19.0 °C
Leuciscus leuciscus Egg Temperature for incubation 6.75-15 range in which normal development occurs 10.88 °C
Leuciscus leuciscus Spawning conditions Spawning season March / April-May ['March', 'April', 'May']
Leuciscus leuciscus Spawning conditions Spawning temperature > 8 8.0 °C
Phoxinus phoxinus Spawning conditions Spawning season April-June (July) ['April', 'May', 'June', 'July']
Phoxinus phoxinus Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 7-12 9.5 °C
Rutilus rutilus Egg Temperature for incubation 10-20 for embryonic development, 7.5-24 range in which normal development occurs, <7 for lower lehtal temperature and >26 for upper lethal temperature 15.0 °C
Scardinius erythrophthalmus Egg Temperature for incubation < 10 for lower lethal temperature and >30 for upper lethal temperature 10.0 °C
Scardinius erythrophthalmus Spawning conditions Spawning season April-May/June (July) ['April', 'May', 'June', 'July']
Scardinius erythrophthalmus Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 14-20 17.0 °C
Tinca tinca Egg Temperature for incubation 19-24 for embryonic development, 16.7-30 range in which normal development occurs, 14-15 lower and 33-35 upper lethal T°C for embryonic development 21.5 °C
Tinca tinca Spawning conditions Spawning season May-July/August ['May', 'July', 'August']
Tinca tinca Spawning conditions Spawning temperature 16-22 19.0 °C
Vimba vimba Egg Incubation time 8.2 [13.2°C], 3 [19.1°C] 8.2 days
Vimba vimba Egg Temperature for incubation 12-20 for embryonic development, 10-23 in which normal development occurs and 10-11 lower lethal temperature and >24 upper lethal temperature 16.0 °C
Vimba vimba Spawning conditions Spawning season V. vimba span in the Zeller Ache, one of the main tributaries of Mondsee, at the end of May and beginning of June ['May', 'June']
Vimba vimba Spawning conditions Spawning temperature At temperatures ranging from 14°C to 18°C 14.0 °C