Koskela and Eskelinen, 1992


Koskela, J. and Eskelinen, P. (1992) Growth of larval european whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) at different temperatures. Pol. Arc. Hydrobiol., pp. 677-682

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Coregonus lavaretus Egg Incubation time The eggs were stripped from broodstock in November and incubated in jars. Hatching took place on 4-5 April 4.5 days
Coregonus lavaretus Egg Temperature for incubation Hatching was accelerated by increasing the water temperature to 2.0°C on 25 February and 5-6°C on 28 March 5.5 °C
Coregonus lavaretus Larvae Temperature during larval development The optimum temperature for growth was between 19.3 and 20.6°C depending on the calculation method and the parameters measured, the rate of net biomass gain reaching its maximum at a temperature of about 19.3°C 19.3 °C