Palstra et al, 2005


Palstra, A.P. and Cohen, E.G.H. and Niemantsverdriet, P.R.W. and van Ginneken, V.J.T. and Van den Thillart, GEEJM. (2005) Artificial maturation and reproduction of European silver eel: Development of oocytes during final maturation. Aquaculture, pp. 533-547

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Anguilla anguilla Egg Oocyte diameter 0.8-0.95 [Stripped oocytes] 0.88 mm
Anguilla anguilla Egg Egg Buoyancy More than 90% of the eggs from all different batches floated Pelagic
Anguilla anguilla Egg Egg adhesiveness Not sticky Non-Adhesive
Anguilla anguilla Egg Temperature for incubation 20 20.0 °C
Anguilla anguilla Female Absolute fecundity Up to 4 000 4.0 thousand eggs
Anguilla anguilla Female Maximum GSI value GSI of 44.8 ± 6.5 (range 36.3-60.0) in artificial conditions 44.8 percent
Anguilla anguilla Spawning conditions Spawning release Most eels ovulated more than once over periods up to several days Multiple
Anguilla anguilla Spawning conditions Parity Spawing once and die Semelparous