Jentoft et al, 2006


Jentoft, S. and Oxnevad, S. and AAstveit, A.H. and Andersen, O. (2006) Effects of tank wall color and up-welling water flow on growth and survival of Eurasian perch larvae (Perca fluviatilis). Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, pp. 313-317

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Morone saxatilis Larvae Reaction to light Photopositive fish larvae of walleye (Sander vitreus) and striped bass are attracted to the sides of the tanks (mirror effect) in light-rearing conditions, which negatively affects prey consumption Photopositive
Perca fluviatilis Egg Incubation time The incubation temperature was 11.1°C until the time of 50% hatching (day 19) 11.1 days
Perca fluviatilis Egg Temperature for incubation The incubation temperature was 11.1°C until the time of 50% hatching (day 19) 11.1 °C
Perca fluviatilis Egg Degree-days for incubation The incubation temperature was 11.1°C until the time of 50% hatching (day 19) 11.1 °C * day
Perca fluviatilis Larvae Reaction to light Perch larvae are found to be photopositive Photopositive
Sander vitreus Larvae Reaction to light Photopositive fish larvae of walleye (Sander vitreus) and striped bass are attracted to the sides of the tanks (mirror effect) in light-rearing conditions, which negatively affects prey consumption Photopositive