Browman and O'Brien, 1992


Browman, H.I. and O'Brien, W.J., 1992. The ontogeny of search behavior in the white crappie, Pomoxis annularis. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 34(2), pp.181-195.

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Pomoxis annularis Egg Incubation time Water temperature was maintained at 20°C in a climate-controlled room on a 14L : 10D cycle. One or more adult pairs spawned during their first night in captivity. Adults were kept with the eggs for two days to allow paternal fanning of the embryos. Embryos hatched 2-3 days after fertilization. 50.0 days
Pomoxis annularis Egg Temperature for incubation Water temperature was maintained at 20°C in a climate-controlled room on a 14L : 10D cycle. 20.0 °C
Pomoxis annularis Larvae Initial larval size White crappie are approximately 3-4 mm in lenght at hatching and groxth in the first several days is rapid. 3.5 mm
Pomoxis annularis Larvae Larvae behaviour Zooplanktivorous juveniles of the white crappie, Pomoxis annularis, are saltatory searchers; they search briefly while stationary and, if they do not locate a prey, swim a short distance before stopping to scan again. In this paper, we report on the development of foraging behavior in white crappie larvae, compare it to the search strategy of juveniles. Pelagic
Pomoxis annularis Larvae Onset of exogeneous feeding prey items were first observed in the gut on 9 day after hatching. 180.0 °C * day