Duis and Oberam, 2000


Duis, K. and Oberemm, A. (2000) Sensitivity of early life stages of vendace, Coreognus albula, to acid pH in postmining lakes: an experimental approach. , pp.

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Coregonus albula Egg Egg size after water-hardening Average diameter at pH 7.00 was 1.75 (based on Figure 1) 7.0 mm
Coregonus albula Egg Temperature for incubation Eggs were incubated at 4°C until day 50, then temperature was gradually increased to 10°C (5°C until day 59, 6°C until day 79, 7°C until day 80, 8°C until day 99, 9°C until day 107) 4.0 °C
Coregonus albula Larvae Onset of exogeneous feeding Vendace incubated at pH 7.00 and 7.40 started to ingest paramecia several days after hatching and began feeding on Artemia a week later. The fish at pH 5.50 started to feed on paramecia with 7 days delay compared to the controls 7.0 °C * day