Johnston et al, 2008


Johnston, T.A. and Kaufman, S.D. and Moles, M.D. and Wiegand, M.D. and Leggett, W.C. (2008) Effects of delayed fertilization on embryo viability in walleye Sander vitreus (Mitchill): the role of maternal effects. Journal of Fish Biology, pp. 2634-2644

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Sander vitreus Egg Temperature for incubation The incubation room was held at 9°C during the fertilization trials and early incubation period (up to 10 hours after the final fertilization) then gradually increased to 12°C over the next 7 days 9.0 °C
Sander vitreus Spawning conditions Spawning season Walleye were sampled from a lake-spawning stock from eastern Lake Ontario in the Bay of Quinte (44°OO' N; 76°40' W) on 22 April 2004 and from a riverine-spawning stock from eastern Lake Erie in the Grand River (42°52' N; 79°30' W) on 22 and 23 April 2004 ['April']