Blythe et al, 1994


Blythe, W.G. and Helfrich, L.A. and Sullivan, C.V. (1994) Sex steroid hormone and vitellogenin levels in stripped bass (Morone saxatilis) maturing under 6-,9-,12-month photothermal cycles. Gen. Com. Endocrinol., pp. 122-134

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Morone saxatilis Egg Oocyte diameter 0.911 ± 0.177 in May 0.91 mm
Morone saxatilis Female Onset of oogenesis Differentiation of females was more accurate from October to May, when maximum ovarian diameters exceeded 16 mm ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'October', 'November']
Morone saxatilis Female Intensifying oogenesis activity Significant egg growth from September to March ['January', 'February', 'March', 'September', 'October', 'November']
Morone saxatilis Female Resting period During the post spawning season (July, Aufgust, and September), when oocyte and ovarian diameters were smallest, sex detemrination was less accurate 3.0 months
Morone saxatilis Male Onset of spermatogenesis Ultrasonic sex detemrination was accurate from october to May, even tough all males were spermiating only during April ['April', 'May']
Morone saxatilis Male Resting period Male sex determination was lowest in September when testicular diameter was minimal 2.0 months