Hardy and Litvak, 2004


Hardy, R.S. and Litvak, M.K., 2004. Effects of temperature on the early development, growth, and survival of shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, and Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrhynchus, yolk-sac larvae. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 70(2), pp.145-154.

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Acipenser brevirostrum Egg Egg size after water-hardening 3.412-3.588 3.5 mm
Acipenser brevirostrum Larvae Initial larval size 10.73 10.73 mm
Acipenser brevirostrum Larvae Full yolk-sac resorption 34 days at 13 C 442.0 °C * day
Acipenser brevirostrum Larvae Full yolk-sac resorption 25 days at 15 C 375.0 °C * day
Acipenser brevirostrum Larvae Full yolk-sac resorption 21 at 18 C, 13 at 21 C 378.0 °C * day