Hausle and Coble, 1976


Hausle, D.A. and Coble, D.W. (1976) Influence of sand in redds on survival and emergence of brrok trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., pp. 57-63

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Salvelinus fontinalis Larvae Reaction to light The trough was covered with black plastic sheeting since salmonid fry are negatively phototactic Photophobic
Salvelinus fontinalis Spawning conditions Spawning substrate Gravels [Fines (small and smaller particles) in spawning gravel can be deleterious to eggs Lithophils
Salvelinus fontinalis Spawning conditions Spawning site preparation Redds Susbtrate chooser
Salvelinus fontinalis Spawning conditions Spawning release Repeat spawning has been reported for brrok trout, but the accounts of successive spawning indicate that such behavior may lead to the deposition of ova in seperate pockets within a redd No category
Salvelinus fontinalis Egg Temperature for incubation 9-10 9.5 °C