Shershnev et al, 1986


Shershnev, A.P. and Belobrzheskiy, V.A. and Rudnev, V.A. (1986) Population structure and spawning migration of anadromous artic char, Salvelinus alpinus, of the Melkaya River, Northeastern Sakhalin. Journal of Ichthyology, pp. 279-284

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Salvelinus alpinus Female Age at sexual maturity The spawning run was composed of six age groups from 4+ to 9+. Quantitatively, age 6 and 7 fish predominate 6.0 year
Salvelinus alpinus Female Relative fecundity 363 [Age 4+] and 2175 [Age 8+], mean of 1470 for all age 363.0 thousand eggs/kg
Salvelinus alpinus Spawning conditions Spawning migration period The first char in the spanwing run passed the Malkaya river weir in the mid July. Until the end of July only individual spawners arrived. During the period from 2 to 4 August the average daily passage of fish was 200 specimens. The peak of the spawning run at the weir occurred in mid august. during this period three peaks of intensity were noted - 11, 15 and 19 August. Toward the end of August the run declined ['July', 'August']