Mélard et al, 1996


Mélard, C. and Baras, E. and Mary, L. and Kestemont, P. (1996) Relationships between stocking density, growth, cannibalism and survival rate in intensively cultured larvae and juveniles of perch (Perca fluviatilis). Annales Zoologici Fennici , pp. 643-651

Associated characteristics

Species Development state Trait Primary Data Secondary Data
Perca fluviatilis Egg Temperature for incubation The egg ribbons were incubated over 6 to 7 days at 15°C till the eye-pigmentation stage of embryonic development. The eggs were then transferred into the larval rearing facilities at 20°C to 23°C after a two-hours period of thermal acclimation 6.0 °C
Perca fluviatilis Larvae Sibling intracohort cannibalism The impact of cannibalism was proportionally decreased when fish grew more slowly Present