Storefish 2.0: a database on the reproductive strategies of teleost fishes

Teleost fishes show the most outstanding reproductive diversity of all vertebrates. Yet to date, no one has been able to decisively explain this striking variability, nor to perform large-scale phylogenetic analyses of reproductive modes. Here, we describe STOREFISH 2.0, an online database easing the sharing of an original dataset on reproduction published in 2007, enriched with automated data extraction and presentation to display the knowledge acquired on temperate freshwater fish species. STOREFISH 2 contains the information for 368 freshwater fish species and 50 traits from the analysis of 1998 references. It is anticipated that this new database could be useful for freshwater biodiversity research, conservation, assessment, and management.


2022, June, 10th: addition of data for 288 species for the first 14 traits extracted from nearly 800 new references.
2020, November 20th: initial release of storefish database containing 80 freshwater fish species and 50 traits from the analysis of 1219 references


Species details


For more information, please read and cite the following articles:

  1. Téletchéa S, Téletchéa F (2020) Storefish 2.0: a database on the reproductive strategies of teleost fishes. Database, Volume 2020, baaa095
  2. Lecointre G, Schnell N, Teletchea F (2020) Hierarchical analysis of ontogenetic time for detection of heterochrony and taxonomy of developmental stages. Scientific Reports 10, Article number: 19732
  3. Teletchea F (2018) Development of a fish reproduction ontology to support STOREFISH, a database of fish reproductive strategies. In: Thessen, AE (Ed.) Application of Semantic Technologies in Biodiversity Science. Studies on the Semantic Web, IOS Press/AKA Verlag. P. 121-134.
  4. Teletchea F (2016) Systematics and aquaculture: what could they bring to each other? Journal of Life Science 10: 240-244.
  5. Teletchea F, Fontaine P (2011) Particularities of early life stages in temperate freshwater fish species: comparisons with marine species and implications for aquaculture practices. Aquaculture Research 42: 630-654.
  6. Teletchea F, Fontaine P (2010) Comparison of early-life stage strategies in 65 European freshwater fish species: trade-offs are directed towards first-feeding of larvae in spring and early-summer. Journal of Fish Biology 77: 257-278.
  7. Teletchea F, Fostier A, Kamler E, Gardeur JN, Le Bail PY, Jalabert B, Fontaine P (2009) Comparative analysis of reproductive traits in 65 freshwater fish species: application to the domestication of new fish species. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 19: 403-430.
  8. Teletchea F, Gardeur JN, Kamler E, Fontaine P (2009). The relationship of oocyte diameter and incubation temperature to incubation time in temperate freshwater fish species. Journal of Fish Biology 74: 652-668.
  9. Teletchea F, Fostier A, Kamler E, Gardeur JN, Le Bail PY, Jalabert B, Fontaine P (2008) Comparative analysis of reproductive strategies of European fishes: applications to the domestication of species in aquaculture. Cybium 32: 300-302.
  10. Teletchea F, Fostier A, Le Bail PY, Jalabert B, Gardeur JN, Fontaine P (2007) STOREFISH: a new database dedicated to the reproduction of temperate freshwater teleost fishes. Cybium 31: 227-235.